[@Product] — Bryce Wulfblod : It's short and sweet, but for the personality, you're missing descriptions. Like I said it was my fault because in the first character sheet I didn't specify it, so apologies from me. If you could fill in a bit more with his heritage too, from when he found out the truth, that would be good, also telling us what Laguz bloodline his brand comes from. One last thing is, you mention he moves from town to town, but what is his reasoning for the pilgrimage? [@Eisenhorn] — Weiland Voss : A good character overall, but there is one thing that doesn't equate for me. It is that he is proficient in mounted combat, specifically flying mounted combat, but he's only had Altena for some time, a few years or so as an adult. I can see horseback being an easier skill to acquire, but with flying-mounted combat you have a lot more physics to deal with along with experience and time. I know he is older than what he seems as he is Branded, and Branded folk age slower, so if you could fill that in, I think it should be A-OK. Two final things, the heritage of his brand, which Laguz heritage is it? And why does Weiland want to go on the pilgrimage or what is his role in it? [@Lord of Evil] — Garret Kilroy : Every group needs a snarky thief, and it seems Garret will fit the bill. A scout and survivalist it seems, so he would make a good addition to the party. Though, there are a lot of holes in his short backstory. You never mention his mother's murder, just that he's always looking for her killer. Secondly, why does he want to go on the pilgrimage to Hatari? Answer those, we should be okay.