[centre][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmM3YTIwMC5UV2w2ZFhSaGJta2dTR2x5YjNsMWEyaywuMAAA/rosario.bold.png[/img][/centre][hr][b][right][color=696969]Fujioka Senior High, Kurosuoba April 3, 2018 | 7:01 am [@Sola] [/color][/right][/b][hr] [indent] [color=6C90E6][b]"U-Uhm, I believe you dropped this."[/b][/color] A voice from behind caught Hiroyuki's attention out of the blue. Granted, it had an unsure, soft tone, but it seemed to be directed his way. Surely that was impossible: someone, a [i]girl[/i] at that, went out of her way to alert him! What was the reason for this? Why was he worth anyone's time? Above all, who was this person? He didn't recognize the voice from middle school or somewhere else, which in all likelihood meant a new face to remember. Just great. Hiroyuki craned his neck around, glancing over his shoulder. A girl in Fujioka uniform, much closer and much less intimidating than he had expected, gave him an inquisitive squint. Held out in her hand towards him were five banknotes: one ¥5000 and four ¥1000 bills. Judging from both her expression, and the sheer value of what was in her palm, Hiroyuki doubted she had any ulterior motives. Upon seeing the money, he instinctively shot his hand down to his left pocket. He felt some of the loose change he had hurriedly shoved in after buying a snack at the gas station, but something was missing. To be precise, five things. It didn't take long to connect the dots. As he turned to face her, Hiroyuki's eyes widened, and his brows shot upwards. There was no need to panic or suspect anything now, as his money was safe for the time being. His expression now growing flustered and embarrassed, he darted his eyes away. Plucking his money out of the girl's hand, he slid it back into his pocket, taking mental note to actually leave it in his wallet next time. Turning back towards the building, Hiroyuki mumbled an [b][color=FFD700]"Oh, thanks"[/color][/b] before stepping away, hopefully for good. [/indent]