Raymond listened to Valanx, a hand on his chin as he scanned the pod with his eyes. Everything he said reeked of black market, and the science officer just kept confirming the information. Everything was being run, everything was being analyzed and as much as he hated it, they had to wait to get some real answers. [color=blue]"Good work. Keep me posted on what you find, and don't be afraid to destroy this thing. Anything that's designed to kidnap girls is never a good thing."[/color] He waited a few moments to watch Valanx at work before an idea popped into his mind. [color=blue]"There has to be some sort of console on this thing, maybe hidden. How else would they activate the pod? If we can find that, you and Tango can trace back some locations, check in on wherever it went if they didn't wipe that motherboard... If it's black market, we can probably also find it's final destination."[/color] Ray knew that Valanx would be the man to find anything unusual on that console, if there was one. The chances were pretty high at this point. [color=blue]"Now if you'll excuse me, I got a date with a bunch of old polititians with a stick up their ass."[/color] Raymond left the lab and immediately put a hand to his ear. [color=blue]"Aamara, it's show time... A drink says Councilwoman Bruma calls me filth in front of my face."[/color] He smirked slightly. It was no mystery that the Forgei hated the Interstellar Expedition branch, and she hated Raymond even more. It was also good to see Raymond start to get back to normal, despite the exhaustion. Maybe they'll finally get a break. As Raymond walked through the hall towards the comms room, he couldn't help but frown at the way he treated everyone recently... Sure, he was known to be a hardass when they were doing their job, but that little girl struck a nerve, especially with Anderson's death. [color=blue]"Attention Monroe Crew. Everyone will be meeting in the docking bay lounge in half an hour. That's an order."[/color] That was all he said. He hoped that his impromptu meeting would be something Anderson would be proud of.