Julan was still not sure what Janius was intending with his story, but he supposed he did see the parallels with him and Leeus. Still, he was not sure what to say and just nodded along with faint uncertainty until Janius questioned him again. "Um, well, not really. I know she said she agreed to it, but she didn't say how. I asked how and she just said: 'I don't know'. Is it some big secret or something?" Julan asked. [hr] Ahnasha was now quite legitimately worried. For whatever reason, Rhazii's emotions had gotten a hold of him strongly enough that he had actually lost control. This was not something she could just be patient with, or talk him down from. Without control of his beast spirit, he was, at the moment, no different from any feral werewolf. If left unchecked, he could be hurt, or do something he would regret. Ahnasha had to act, and everything she did, everything she said, would have to be directed towards the beast spirit itself. Not Rhazii. It was no longer him that she was dealing with. Immediately, Ahnasha chased after Rhazii into the forest. Though the Cathay-raht werewolf was stronger, Ahnasha was still faster thanks to her training, control, and experience. Not only could she best him in speed, but she could quickly and deftly avoid every tree, root, or other obstacle between her and her target. It hardly took much time at all for Ahnasha to catch up to him. Even a feral beast could notice that she was close, and it tried to avoid her, but it was a predictable opponent for Ahnasha. She pounced on him, but without the desire to harm him, she did not use her claws or teeth to latch on and drag him down to the ground. So, both of them ended up tumbling head over heel. But, for Ahnasha at least, she was expecting it enough to be able to recover quicker. Ahnasha marched towards Rhazii as he was scrambling to his feet and struck him across the head, though with her fist closed to avoid using her claws. "Stop and submit, wolf! You do not [i]command[/i] Rhazii; you listen, and you follow. Now, submit, and kneel to your superior!" She barked towards the beast.