"Is that how she worded it?" Janius showed a little surprise. "Hm. Well, I don't know if it's much of a secret because I think only Hircine knows what really happened to actually turn her. The circumstances surrounding it all is worth mentioning, because she didn't exactly plan to get turned. I could not stay with her in the village, but she...wanted to commune with the Hist and Hircine in turn to know what to do. She was not exactly decided on leaving her village, her family. Hircine made the choice for her." The joy was diminished almost entirely from Janius' face. "What followed was a most difficult time for her. She was torn away from everything she knew and loved, save for some young man she had only met a number of days prior. We, of course, made things work in the end. We have experienced such a joyous time that we would not take it back, even if we just made so many huge, youthful mistakes. But...she never really did fully heal from leaving so suddenly. Coming back opened those wounds, which is partly why she has been...well, you've seen it." Janius stopped and faced Julan. "Listen, you are not me. Your situation could be so different that none of this turns out to be relevant. But know this; the suffering your mother went through is not something you need on your conscience. So don't do it to anyone here. Understand?" Rarely did Janius speak so firmly to Julan about anything unless it was to point out present dangers. [hr] Ahnasha's strike staggered Rhazii back. He fell back and pushed himself away on the ground in a scramble. Though he avoided eye contact and almost looked to be heeling, he barked out immediately after Ahnasha's command with a vaguely understandable [i]"NO!"[/i] He spun and galloped into another sprint on all fours, renewing the chase. The reaction shed some light -- Rhazii had just enough control to disobey.