Julan only started to understand the point that Janius was getting to at the end, though it was hardly an encouraging message. "Oh." He said, lowering his head and letting out a long breath. Although, he quickly thought to make at least some attempt to defend his intentions. "I mean, I didn't want to...drag her away with us or anything. That would be crazy, I just..." While not close to tears by any means, Julan did look defeated. "I wish there were Argonian girls back home. I like having someone to feel that way about. The only ones I've ever seen just visit for a little while, and I'm not allowed to use the propa...propyl...teleporting stones to go to other clans." [hr] Ahnasha paused in place, though only briefly. Now, she was not sure what to think. Was the beast in control, or somehow influencing him? In any case, she was not sure what would cause him to have such a harsh and sudden reaction. She had expected him to perhaps be uncomfortable, but she genuinely could not make sense of what likely would have been obvious to most others. Just as before, Ahnasha quickly chased after Rhazii, and it proved equally as fruitless for him to attempt to flee. Even if he could have managed to work up a faster sprint, the skill with which she could maneuver through the trees made catching him an inevitability. When he tried to turn sharply around a tree, she ended up turning on the other side and pushing off of it to launch herself at Rhazii, tackling him once again. This time, she did her best to try and hold him down. Rhazii was the stronger of the two of them, but in their beast forms, the difference was not as pronounced. "Submit, wolf!" Ahnasha demanded, though her expression quickly became more pleading. "Rhazii, if you [i]really[/i] are in there somewhere, talk to me, please! I'm begging you; I can't help you if you won't talk to me."