Here's the first draft for my character. Since a character sheet wasn't posted, I might have missed something important so do let me know if that's the case. [hider=Trestem Lightden] [b]Name[/b]: Trestem Lightden [b]Titles[/b]: The Ascetic, The Lonely Light [b]Height[/b]: 5’ 8” [b]Weight:[/b] 165 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 87 years old, which is somewhat young for his species. [b]Race/Species[/b]: [i]Treehume[/i]– A species native to the isle of Adorada, Treehumes are demi-humans with random tree features such as leafhair, barkskin, rootarms, et cetera that descended from multiple tribes of men that migrated to the island during a great calamity many centuries ago. Local legends speak of how these men were welcomed by The Gods of The Ethereal Mountain, who sheltered the refuge seekers in forest villages in exchange for the men’s devotion and servitude. As those ancient humans served their new gods, they too started living longer and absorbed the nature magic that was abundant in the realm. [b]Appearance[/b]: An otherwise average-looking man aside from the fact that he has a literal bush for hair, brown treebark for skin and root tendrils for teeth. To hide his somewhat unusual features, Trestem wears a linen headwrap that covers most of his head aside from his bright, amber eyes. He completes his wardrobe by wearing a plain orange robe with an equally simple green cape and an oak staff with an azure crystal orb at the head. [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Whispers Of The Ethereal Mountain[/i] -- The school of magic developed in Adorada, colloquially called Whispering among various mage circles. The two main components of Whispering is rune calligraphy and silent invocation. The basic mechanics has the user etch a rune with a magical catalyst and then the rune links itself, the user, and local sources of magic together. Most runes then either concentrate the source of magic to its location or to its user, bypassing the need for incantations. [i]Sense of a Saboteur[/i] -- His title as Lonely Light was first bestowed by his foes as a form of mockery but soon became a name that the average grunt spoke with a sense of fear. Using his knowledge of his home’s terrain and the support of the oppressed populace, Trestem waged a guerrilla war by himself against an invading army. While he was ultimately captured, his efforts arguably led the invaders to forgo their initial ambition of total domination. [b]Equipment[/b]: [i]“Justice’s Servant”[/i] -- Trestem’s oak staff. Dedicated to The Justiciar, a god of protection and laws. [b]Bio[/b]: What can be said about The Ascetic? He was a dedicated servant of Adorada, its gods and its people. Yet when war came to their lands, he chose to follow his dogma’s call to non-violence. Thousands of innocent men, women and children were slain before he chose to rise up with sword and magic in hand. Reborn as The Lonely Light, he struck fear into the hearts of men with his cruelty permanently displayed on the flayed skins of his enemies. Yet, not all those he fought were foreign invaders but he judged them all as enemies, rightfully as an administrator of law. Trestem’s end would have been met at the foot of the sacred Ethereal Mountain. The bane of the Lonely Light managed to cut him from thigh to abdomen, slicing off everything inbetween. Yet, his opponent happened to also be a just man and showed mercy, on the condition that Trestem vowed to never take up arms ever again. With his life spared, Trestem recovered under the watch of his captors and stayed bedridden for the most part of the remaining war. When the dust settled, he soon found that the world he fought for was no longer the one he recognized. Soon, he banished himself from Adorada. His journey would eventually lead to the Agate Tower, to serve a new mistress. Trestem hopes that war never comes to this new land he calls home but knows that the inevitable will befall upon the ill-prepared. [/hider] As for the setting, are there any settlements or structures outside the tower? Like, a shipyard next to the shore or a keep that guards the path towards the tower?