[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg/120px-Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg.png[/img][/center] [h3]February, the Month of Strife[/h3] The streets were dangerous these days, they've always been since the conquest of the home island. Even the Shogun didn’t feel safe with his dozen bodyguards as they could’ve have been infiltrated by revolutionaries, religious zealots, and nationalist fanatics. Eyes and ears are everywhere on the streets of Nankyo, the capital of the Shogunate, as the motorcar traveled along. Ever since the title “Shogun Emperor” was split in two, Adolo Yirlu, like all of his predecessors, could see the ire of every Yamato. His own mother reported having recurring nightmares ever since he was picked to be the Shogun and Viceroy of the Kitagawa as it was a very stressful and sometimes dangerous job. After all, it was a common sight to see a car bombing or a murder of a Yllendyr policeman in the newspapers throughout the Imperium. The Shogunate was the main source for basic news that could be put on paper. Yirlu hate going to sleep wondering if he was going to make it into the morning. The Securitariat were also not having fun dealing with the Shogunate as every agent being sent into the home island end up with two agents in coffins and a thrid reported to be MIA. Insurgent cells sprang up faster than the secret police and Shogun’s efforts combined. Even though no major rebellion has ever occurred, the efforts to contain them was quite frankly taxing in terms of manpower and logistics. It was a burden to hunt down a camp due to the sheer size and geographic terrain of sub-continental island. Suddenly, the motorcar stopped with the bodyguards rushing ahead of them. [indent]“What is going on?” Yirlu demanded. “Sorry sir, there’s a protest blocking the street.” his Yamato chauffeur answered, “Our security is trying to assist the police in redirecting the traffic.” The Shogun sighed as he swore under his breath that traffic jams and protests would be the death of his sanity. “Just….take us to the Imperial Palace.” “Yes sir.”[/indent] Few streets away, a man in police uniform entered an alley and found package hidden inside. Afterwards, man switched his uniform with civilian clothes in package, where he also found Theilmu Navy .36 revolver. Fully loaded too. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Enfield_Mk_II_revolver.JPG/300px-Enfield_Mk_II_revolver.JPG[/img] After mindlessly watching the streets and buildings moved past him, Yirlu realized that the security haven’t returned nor in the process of catching up to them. [indent]"Ru? Where are our bodyguards?" asked with concern in his voice. Wait a minute…..is the motorcar going slower now? “I believe they are still trying to disperse the crowd.” the Yamato answered, “I can still hear the chants.”[/indent]Whilst chauffeur tried to explain odd and risky situation, the inconspicuous man moved quickly from the street's corner, opened the driver’s car door and shot the chauffeur twice in the head, before he could react in any way. The shooter in disguise will never say it to any living soul, but it was his eyes, which will remember forever, from everything happened and will happen. Yirlu looked so...surprised. So much surprised, indeed, that a Yamato murdered a Yamato in front of a Yllendyr. He briefly smiled like a tiger being friendly to the Shogun before his face hardened again. [indent]“Hiro did a fine job but his services are no longer required.” the gunman remarked before shooting the remaining bullets into Yirlu’s chest, leaving him to bleed to death in his motorcar. [/indent] Everything happened in matter of seconds as the gunshots from the assassination panicked the protestors and the security causing the police and bodyguards to open fire onto the crowd, killing dozens of civilians. As for the assassin, he simply disappeared, having accomplished his mission in revenge. Soon, newspapers would bear the news: [h3][u][i]Shogun Adolo Yirlu assassinated! State of Emergency declared in the Shogunate! Massacre at the capital! Emperor Eikou requested the return for the "Shogun" title![/i][/u][/h3]