[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/charabattles/images/2/21/Bu001nzm82020b.png/revision/latest?cb=20171217094147&path-prefix=fr[/img][/center] [color=87ceeb]"Cee!"[/color] Karuu cried, happy to see she had made it. [color=87ceeb]"Yeah, I think it'll be enough. Got my extra swords repaired for when this one snaps. Glad you could join us! It'll be a relief to have you with Kira on the vanguard; that'll keep a lot of the pressure off Tower and I."[/color] He spent a few minutes filling her in on the strategy, pointing out on the map the section Last Genesis had been assigned to sweep. Now their party was ready. [color=87ceeb]"Alright, folks, let's move! Hit fast, hit hard, and don't stop to farm! We're going to be first done so we can help the other guilds. And Kira,"[/color] he added, turning a grin on his guildmate, [color=87ceeb]"Keep count. Loser buys dinner."[/color]