Janius stifled a laugh. "I did say you're not to do the same thing your mother and I did, you're correct. But that does not mean you should just stop talking to her and wonder 'what if.' You will both require the understanding that it will not last. Beyond that, you are free." He lowered his chin and spoke less casually. "The important detail is what you will be walking away from. Either nothing happens and you regret it, or something is there and you can keep it as a memory. This, of course, depends on how she feels about you as well, but there will be no chance unless you find out." [hr] Rhazii scrabbled away a short distance but did not have the balance to keep running before Ahnasha spoke. In response, he turned and roared in her face. Running had not worked, now Ahnasha forced him to fight. Rather than pounce straight for the neck as an untrained feral might, Rhazii stepped in to grab Ahnasha's arm and throw his claws through to rake her across the middle.