Julan was still at a loss, and ended up just standing with his mouth half-open for a few seconds before he realized he needed to say something. "Father, you're...confusing." He said, but eventually he started to laugh only slightly uncomfortably. "I...guess I should just try to make friends. I do understand the game they're playing, so maybe they're still playing it back there. Leeus told me it was 'like hip-and-tail ball, but in the water.' I don't know what that is, but the rules didn't look too complicated. I would have joined, but...she was showing me how to hit the ball right...and she said to watch her hips, and..." Now that he was thinking back, Julan suddenly looked away, visibly embarrassed. "...I just had to get away for a few minutes and think about things. I don't [i]think[/i] I made her mad." [hr] Ahnasha had, for a while now, been complementary of Rhazii's fighting ability. She had praised his progress, and encouraged him to push farther. That might have given him a fair amount of confidence, but here, in this fight, the gap between them would be fully on display. Rhazii was fast in his attack, but Ahnasha saw it coming easily, and reacted effortlessly. She saw him reaching for her arm, and instead grabbed his, jerking it suddenly in the direction of his own momentum. While he was off balance, she pushed him past her and raked her claws across his back to make a shallow would, though one which still drew blood. However, her hands were only a distraction for the true point of her attack, which was to jam one of the claws on her foot into his ankle. Despite Ahnasha's growing anger, her goal was not to cause Rhazii serious harm. She just needed to get him to stop fighting. "Submit, wolf! You do not command my son! You obey [b]me[/b]!" Ahnasha shouted. Regardless of the fact that Rhazii was not acting exactly like a feral, she simply did not believe that her son could be responsible for what he was doing. Not entirely.