[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/Uww0OJB.gif[/IMG][/center] [center][@Hitman][@Raijinslayer][@Quincy][@Esran][@pkken][/center] Two shots rang out and struck two of the downed men. Pox heart leapt into his throat as he thought the worst. [color=green]"NO!"[/color] Just then, the light of the shot spread to the two downed men and they winced, trying to get back into some semblance of lucidity. [color=brown]"Wha-Wha?"[/color] Said one. [color=brown]"Ugh, it hurts... but-"[/color] Said the other now working to get on their hands and knees. Pox was relieved, and confused. Mostly confused. He looked... he knew there was someone there, and even in the crosshares he could sense that they were being watched, it could shoot him now, and yet. Yet it was helping them. Healing at range. That was a neat trick. But- but why? Why try to aid the enemy. Pox's already low opinion of his comrades sank more. Was this just a diversion, risking their lives. [color=green]"Here! Quickly! Follow me!"[/color] The men looked at the weird bird masked man, not knowing him. [color=brown]"Who the hell are you!"[/color] [Color=tan]"Guys over here! Hurry!"[/color] One of Pox's rescues was waving them over, safely around the corner of a building where three others were recovering. That was enough, their comrade giving them orders was a good enough reason to trust Pox, and thankfully they could move on their own. [color=green]"Keep your head down, they've got Marksman Magic!"[/color] He had to shout, another powerful blast ripping through the battlefield, casting dust and debris nearby. It was a warzone! Safely behind the corner, the speculating began. [color=tan]"Bastards blew up the cart! There goes our loot!"[/color] [color=brown]"Who knew they had magic that powerful! We didn't even see them!"[/color] [color=tan]"How did they know we were there? Scrying magic?"[/color] [color=green]"I don't think it was them..."[/color] Pox was already looking back, there were more victims, and the battle itself could mean their allies being in trouble. Pox had to get involved. Had to stop this before the town was roped in. [color=tan]"What do you mean, who else could it be?"[/color] Hard to believe your own guild would sacrifice you. Pox didn't have time to answer, he moved around the building, hiding, looking out for the sniper and getting closer to the fight. He could help the Spiders if he got close enough... but why should he? Dragons were here to help, their magic showed that. How should he play this?