Rose turned toward the bartender at his comment then eyed the rest of the bar before returning to the man at the end of the bar. She grimaced at the 'princess' comment, the word reminding her of her father and what he used to call her when she was small. She glared at him, watching him lick his bottom lip with a bit of angry fascination. No one talked to her like that anymore. Not since grade school and she would be damned if he thought he was leaving this bar with the upper hand. He paid some money then proceeded to walk to the door, glaring at her and calling her the same loathsome word. Now to be fair, most days she would handle this more tactfully, but today she was too pissed off so before he was out the door word vomit sprung from her lips, "[color=fff79a]HEY ASSHOLE. Let me be clear. I don't give a fuck who you think you are, and since you are so up for insulting people, let me tell you something![/color]" She paused standing up and downing her drink before she walked right up to his face, her yellow eyes now angry as she looked up at him, her voice loud enough so the whole bar would hear, "[color=fff79a]You think I am one of those girls who lives off her daddies credit card right! RIGHT! Well fuck that, and fuck you. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and if you think I haven't had some smart-ass guy tell me otherwise before you'd be wrong. I've suffered through this judgmental crap for too fucking long, and I am done![/color]" She leaned up even closer to him, "[color=fff79a]I'm sure you're used to girls backing down, but I'm not afraid of you. So try me.[/color]" Her breathing hitched slightly as her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips, before moving back up to his eyes. Gosh he really was handsome. She felt the silence in the room like a tension fog, wondering who she had actually insulted here. She didn't turn away from him, because that would be a sign of weakness but her brain went on high alert, knowing that he probably could easily kick her ass if she went too far. She clenched her fists, waiting patiently for a response.