[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg/120px-Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg.png[/img][/center] [h3]February (part 2)[/h3] The Imperial Palace, constructed to be a mere house for the puppet Emperors of the Shogunate, had taken the initiative to wield executive power throughout the Shogunate. The incompetent Yllendyr Administration was unable to sooth the fury of the Yamato ever since the massacre had occured in the capital. With the citizens becoming dangerously anarchic and the underground movements growing bolder and defiant with every passing hour, Emperor Eikou wrestled with the Yllendyr administrators and succeed in restoring “Shogun Emperor” title, even if it was temporary to the Yllendyr bureaucrats. At least the restoration calmed the moods to an extent in the Shogunate but a new situation has developed for the Shogun Emperor to resolve. A Yllendyr, dressed in his culture’s businessman attire, stood in front of the door that connected to the Shogun’s office. He arrived under disguise but the palace was secure of any traitor elements, thanks to the help of the Emperor’s own secret police. Two Yamato guards flanked the doorway but one of them allowed entrance to the Yllendyr. After hearing the closing of doors, Shogun Emperor Eikou looked away from the reports and saw his benefactor. He wasn’t alone though, another Yllendyr named Gruthran Gael and a Yamato named Genki Abe are also present. [indent]“Elfod Arloth,” Eikou greeted cheerfully, clearly enjoying the presence of the newly arrived Yllendyr, “What brings you here? Any news happening today?” “First things first, Your majesty.” Arloth grunted, wanting this meeting to already end. “Here’s the new list.”[/indent] He handed a few pieces of paper to the Shogun Emperor. [indent]“These are the names, aliases and faces of all 36 Securitariat handlers that will be arriving to Nilrandell by the end of the tomorrow and their target locations throughout the Shogunate. Thankfully, my fellow countrymen haven’t suspected me of treason yet.” The last remarked was directed to the Auxiliary Legion Commander who glared right back at the nod from Arloth. “Being in charge of the Securitariat branch stationed in Kitagawa would certainly help.” Gael grumbled. “Thank you for your humble service.” Eikou smiled as he then handed the papers to Genki Abe. “You know what to do with them. Make sure that they never leave the Port City.” [/indent] With a bow, Abe took the papers and quickly left the room with new orders. Gael followed suit. “Make sure the legions are in position.” the Emperor called out to him. [indent]“Now, news.” Eikou resquested. “There’s a new Shogun that will be arriving, the brother of the murdered Shogun, as well as reinforcements from the other dominions. Arloth reported before commenting under his breath: “What a hideous mess this is becoming.”The image of saviors and liberators of Yllendyr is being shattered by the brutality of Ecrurir and his equally incompetent brother.” “Look at yourself: you’re undermining the Imperium.” Eikou raised an eyebrow. “I did what I did to settle my score with Yirlu.” Arloth rebuke sternly. “What I’m doing now and ever since was out of my gratitude for you making it easier for me. And I have no sympathy to the Imperium in its current state.” “Do you even know the Imperium?” “It is a nation meant to bring civilization to the barbarian nations of this world. To bring technology, enlightenment, and purpose to this dark world.” the Yllendyr answered. “A lie we all agree to be the truth.” Eikou smirked. “And what happens when we stop agreeing to it?” Arloth quickly interjected. “Chaos. A bottomless pit waiting to swallow this world.” “No.” Eikou sneered, leaving Arloth speechless. “Chaos is not a pit.” [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0bp32opLxI]“Chaos is opportunity.”[/url] “Many who try to use it fail and never get to try again. Their revolution consumes them.” “Those who attempt to orchestrate it could not control it. The fires of failure burns into their face.” “And some are given a chance to use it, but they refuse. They cling to their world or the foundation or the status quo. All illusions. Only opportunity is real. The will to use is all there is.” Eikou continued: “But chaos is only for opportunities. Now is a time for action.” [/indent] Elfod Arloth secretly left the Imperial Palace with the usual request: more names of Securitate agents. It wasn’t hard; after all, he was in charge of the branch stationed in this island. Thankfully, a crowd was forming around a nationalist organization passing out leaflets and hanging up nationalist propaganda posters causing a big enough distraction for the Yllendyr to quickly return to his department. He prayed that the nationalists, the Meiyo Kaitukukai, would never target him. After all, in order to not be caught, his friendship with the Emperor must not be known to the public. No doubt the month would get even uglier if a legion was ordered to silence the leader group since the citizens are more likely to defend him than hand him over to the Yllendyr.