[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=e542f4]Adalene Jones[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pxZnhMK.jpg[/img] [I]Location: New York, New York Interacting With: Emmie Adams Abilities being used: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Adalene pursed her lips as she thought. Honestly, she wasn't even sure what they might have in common. Given what she knew about Emmie, Adalene assumed she hadn't much time for leisure, or access to it in the first place. "[color=e542f4]Um...[/color]" Adalene said, trying desperately to come up with something so they wouldn't be sitting in awkward silence. "[color=e542f4]Well what kind of stuff do you like to do for fun? Do you ever wanna get out of New York?[/color]" That seemed like a good enough place to start. It looked like it was time to get used to get to know her new roommate. She didn't want to hamper on too much about powers or stealing things, she wanted to actually be friends with Emmie. Adalene smiled at the Waitress, and quickly thanked her, as she turned to pour over her menu. She'd be fine with something light, throwing up didn't put her in the mood to eat too much. An ice cold coke and nachos sounded great to her, and her wallet, right about now. She closed the menu, and picked up her drink with one hand, leaning back in her chair, and taking a slow sip, as she met Emmie's eyes, waiting for a response before saying anything else. She swallowed and smiled, glad to have the taste of vomit flushed out of her mouth completely.