[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/quick/quick_p.png[/img] — Sapporo —[/center] The mage woke up on a bench, snow dusting the shoulders of his rain cape. It wasn’t particularly cold but he shivered anyway, there was no telling how long he had been sitting there. Ben stood and shook the snow off, looking around and trying to figure out where in the abyss he had ended up this time. Nothing looked familiar, from the red and white metal tower to the densely packed buildings that seemed so large as to defy comprehension. The architecture and the people matched no land that he had ever visited, and he had visited every land yet touched by the empire, with the addition of a few besides. It wasn’t any kind of warren either, he was surrounded by humans, without a single other race in sight. He turned in a circle, looking at the people going about their business with a profoundly lost look on his face. [center][h3]Jared Kincaid[/h3] — Akihabara —[/center] Kincaid stepped off of the subway train, walking through the crowds and feeling uneasy. He had a vague idea that he was in Japan, likely somewhere in Tokyo. The last job he remembered having was as a bodyguard to The Archive, but given that she wasn’t here and he wasn’t presently kicking ass he was likely between jobs. As he moved through the crowd he patted himself down, finding his pistol in a shoulder holster concealed back under his arm, cash in a pocket and a brace of knives on the side opposite the pistol. He found his phone and pulled it out. No service. He swore under his breath. Damned thing must have been broken. He slipped it back into his pocket and swore again. He’d have to buy a new one and then go about figuring out how he had ended up in Japan of all places. At the top of the stairs leading out onto the street he looked around for a bank to convert some of his American cash.