[@Lmpkio] Dirka looked at him with horror. [color=#9400D3]"No! I was hoping to ask how do you control your angels so well so I can teach when and where to open his infernal mouth. Anu cursed him so he can't use magic, so that's a start, but I need some one who knows how to be stern to a being. I was hoping to ask you, since you do that job better than any one! Iva, for his sake, let's things run amuck as long as he get's his prized knowledge. Anu's a bitch, Oao's a coward, Azhriel is always busy, Naswaru is not very tame, and the list goes on and on! And I know you would normally be berating me with harsh words if I wasn't me, so don't give me that look that this chick is crazy ranting. Please help me?"[/color] She took a deep breath after her tangent, then seemed to relax a little. She looked at him as calm as she could. [color=#9400D3]"Help me control the only known demigod child. If you do, I'll make it worth your time. I don't want him deviled."[/color] She had a guilty and pitiful look in her eye as she started looking down in thought. [color=#9400D3]"Please"[/color] she asked one last time, for he knew she was already making Hyperion either very angry or very contemplative. Which, she did not know. [hr] Rescorje was once again mad at his mother. Her dirty little secret, and she wouldn't help him? Saying it was his fault? Bah! If anything, his 'Auntie Anu', which he laughed at, had over reacted. He was telling her the flaws in her character. He was being helpful, at least he believed he was. But his plan had expected Anu to do something, ask his mother to fix the damage caused to him. But her refusing to do so was very unexpected. And so calmly! It made him forget what he was mad at her the first time for. When that came across his mind, he simply shrugged his shoulders. Maybe his siring parent could help him? He is supposedly a great mage that has survived a blood curse twice. He stopped and smiled. [color=0072bc]"Yes, that will do indeed."[/color]