Markus shuddered, but not from the cold. He had felt the sudden pull from lady Calliope, both magically and physically, when she had performed her spell. He had seen the blood that streamed down his cheek flow toward the woman like a forlorn lover, and the drawing of his blood felt like the kiss of a demon. He almost didn't have the mind to grab ahold of the mast as the ship bucked and spasmed, launching forward and plowing through the guardship. So this is blood magic? He didn't even think she would have gone so far as to use that. Though judging from her look, she probably only half knew what she was attempting. The book was likely using her as much as she was using it. Wind, water, and snow slapped into him and he cling for dear life, simply glad the spell only needed a minuscule amount of blood or else he might have been sucked dry. They charged through the Sea Gate, the towers Guns unmanned at the moment. With any luck they would be a sufficient distance away before the batteries had good artillerymen at the ready. Inside the bay, lower forms of artillery were quite effective. But on the open sea, it was best to have cannons overlooking the entrance. It seemed to not matter this time, for the Weather Witch was still moving strong as they broke through the Sea Gate and made it into the ocean beyond. The Sea of Swords. Calliope stepped down from the fore of the ship, looking like the cat that got the cream. Markus would have been attracted from the display if he wasn't so wary of her. A part of him told himself to run her through now and throw the book to the bottom of the ocean. But he calmed himself. She wasn't a fool. She likely would only delve into the tome in dire circumstance like they were just in, and with another steady breath he retrieved his sword and sheathed it. "Well, that was fun." He said, now slowly getting into high spirits as he realized his freedom. "A blown up dock and a sunken Guard Cog. Shall we eat dinner and discuss our next move?" It was a facetious request. The only 'dinner' there was, was Whiskey and Beef Jerky. But they did need to figure out where they were to go next, and the ship still had some momentum. Markus used this sudden lull to retie the mast he had cut down and to hoist it back up to its original position, pulling with his honed, cable-like muscles until the mast-log had arisen once more. [@Penny]