[hr][hr] [center][color=B0C4DE][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20200000/Avril-Gifs-avril-lavigne-20220597-500-240.gif[/img] [I]Location: Headland, Alabama: E. Main Street, (F2) House Map -> (E3) Skills: Handguns[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley looked at Tatiana and gave her a smile and a nod as she watched her head out to get Ashton, Jamie and Jack over to them in the house she turned towards Amelia and moved over to give her a quick kiss. [color=B0C4DE]"I'm fine, really love not a scratch on me."[/color] Riley said towards Amelia, she was glad that her girlfriend showed concern for her, and headed into the house itself. [color=B0C4DE]"Loot their pockets for anything of use, weapons ammo and the like, and just dump them outside on the porch or something."[/color] Riley said, it be better to have the bodies out of the house rather than having them inside and sticking up the place. Riley moved towards the closest body grunting a bit as she lifted up the body up and over her shoulder with a slight bit of trouble and made her way back outside. She could feel something solid pressed up against her neck as she hauled the body out, he certainly had something, or at least something that could be useful and tossed the body down on the ground. Riley looked at her shoulder, now stained with blood from the man she had killed. [color=B0C4DE]"It be nice to have a roof over our heads for the night, that's if it doesn't get blown away that is."[/color] Riley said towards Amelia feeling the wind picking up very fast now, she just hoped that the others got back safely. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=magenta]Erica Monroe[/color][/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/8bf347ec633f0fa0527237b2c16eba81/tumblr_inline_nlbbx8uIVa1t8icws.gif[/img] [I]Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (F8) -> (E9) Cabin Map Skills: Scavenging[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Erica watched as Nigel went in and lifted up the floorboard revealing a stash of food, which was a really good stroke of luck that they had, they certainly wouldn't go hungry at all tonight. [color=magenta]"Good thing I suggested this place then. We wont have to starve tonight"[/color] Erica said as she moved about the cabin, and stared at Wayne for a moment. It would certainly be a pain having to carry the makeshift torch the rest of the evening, and you couldn't really put it down either. [color=magenta]"I'll look for one."[/color] Erica said as she moved to another part of the small fishing cabin. When she stopped for a moment and looked directly up from where she was, and noticed the bit of string hanging above her Erica tried to grab it. But it was a bit out of her reach, groaning a little bit as she tried to jump up and grab it, but she wasn't able to at all it was one of those folding stairs that usually led up to an attic. Erica took off her backpack, as she stared directly at Wayne when he mentioned the buck toothed fairy again. [color=magenta]"Hey can you lift me up, I want to check whats up there."[/color] Erica asked looking directly at Hank figuring that he could either lift her up, or he could reach it better than she could.