Although hesitant, Julan did slowly nod in response to Janius. "I know it's hard, and the spear probably had the advantage because of reach and everything, but I just think I would be better with a sword. I don't have enough practice with a spear in duels. Master-Hunter Juran says that as long as the sword isn't enchanted, I can use it." Julan was looking nervous, though it was hard to tell if it was because of the topic at hand, or the approaching duel in general. "Do you think it's a good idea? Should I try the spear anyway? You know a lot more about this kind of thing." [hr] Ahnasha did not waste time, now that the beast had seemingly capitulated. She stood, towering over Rhazii, close enough to pounce quickly should he try anything sudden. Now that she guessed the beast's willpower had been weakened, she spoke more directly towards Rhazii, without her demanding tone or threatening growls. "Rhazii, I've weakened your beast spirit's will, and pulled it back in line. You should be able to wrestle back control from it. I want you to force the best back inside and transform back to normal. Once you are Khajiit again, it shouldn't be able to influence you for a while." Ahnasha instructed.