[quote=@Zarkun] OK, so, first things first. Why are the symbols Mandalorian? Was the bounty hunter Mandalorian? If he was, why didn't he stay in the Enclave or, more importantly, at least inform them he was there and then leave instructions with the Droid that should anything happen to him, he should go to them? Also, why does the droid go to the Mandalorians? I hate to be brutal, but most of them would think "Hey, target practice." [/quote] I figured it was to make the droid look intimidating and the reason the droid was heading for the enclave is because he wants to prove himself as more then a piece of property, I'm going to put in that he asked to speak with the leader of the enclave. I'll edit it in the morning. Right now I feel like I'm going to pass out. Thanks for looking at it :)