[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5hMGE3YWMuVW05NUlFUjFibU5oYmcsLC4wAAAA/adine-kirnberg.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=orange]"Gods above..."[/color] Was the only thing Roy managed to utter at the sight of the massive giant. The sight instilling a deep fear inside of him. Rightly so, considering that in his homeland, giants along with their subspecies, were very rare. Few and far in between...but each sight warranted a state of emergency. The crown would dispatch a number of knight orders and cannoneer companies simply to fend off the creatures. Though this land was not his native land. There was no army nor kingdom he could call for aid; he considered it a miracle for him to have found his party mates. The barbarian then proposed his plan. It was outright insane for him to go alone, but it was the only option they had. There was no way they could face this thing and stay alive. Roy balled both his hands into fists to stop them from shaking and spoke to the Barbarian. [color=orange]"You are a brave man, Ser MacAlister; perhaps the bravest I would meet in my lifetime. May the gods guide you. But before you go..."[/color] He looks to the little kobold bard. [color=orange]"Bard, is there anything you can do to help, Ser MacAlister in this task?"[/color] He still distrusted the kobold, but perhaps she had some sort of magics to help the barbarian. Either way, If things go wrong, he would be ready to act. Ready to help his comrade. [hider=Clicky] No rolls done this turn. [hr] Lets Angus do his plan. Asked Lilt if she had anything to help Angus. Ready action to help Angus if things go awry. [/hider]