"Well...yeah, I don't want to hurt anyone. Obviously." Julan answered. "The Master-Hunter said that the fight will go until one of us concedes, or he judges that a real fight would have been finished. Like, if one of us would have been able to make a killing blow, if that was what we were trying to do." Julan gave another, quick glance back to the Master-Hunter before giving a final nod to Janius. "I'll take the sword. I think I know how to approach it. I just have to...what's the word...nullify the reach advantage." He commented as he waited for his father to offer him the blade. [hr] "It's okay, Rhazii. It's okay." Ahnasha replied immediately, glad to have finally heard something definitely from her son. Her voice in her current form made it harder to convey, but she sounded as reassuring as she could. Even her body language became more passive, making her seem at least somewhat smaller. "It's almost over. I helped make your beast spirit submit. You lost control, so I don't know if you remember anything, but all you have to do is transform back. I wish I hadn't had to hurt you, but if we hurry, I might be able to get you back to my things so I can get you a potion before the pain sets in. We didn't run that far, so it shouldn't take too long."