Oh, short character writeups, derp, I needed to do those. Liviana: Fragile princess with confidence issues who is struggling to be accepted in (and accept) her kingdom. She’s a social media activist and musical prodigy, but professes to excel at only one thing: keeping her head down. Domitia: a former princess who masqueraded as the crown prince for the formative aspects of their life and now finds themself traumatized and stuck in a limbo between their two identities, both personally and socially. Anton: Everyone’s Favorite Asshole, an obscenely rich businessman with as much sense as he has dollars. He can be cruel, and is at times a victim to his inferiority complex, but deep down you will find a caring young man - caring enough to take in an errant Luxemi princess and a stray kitten. NPC - Ana: A shy girl who’s only purpose in life has ever been to serve. She sometimes stands at odds with the tutoring provided by her “employers” Dom and Liv; she’s supposed to exist to make their life easier, not take up their time. NPC - Aulus: A stuck-up Lusitanian nobleman who will become excessively, and poetically, loquacious at any given moment - and has found his calling as a pro-imperial Lusitanian reporter. Also ohhhh thanks [@madmonarchist] sorry I’m stupid dfxjcgslhc.