[b]The New World, The Burnt Branch Confederacy Aokki, The Palace Auditorium 17th of February 4901 [/b] [i]“Honoured Ajaw,”[/i] began the messenger-slave with the poise of someone about to be flayed alive [i]“my honoured Ajaw Zatle humbly requests that this vendetta between our people ends.”[/i] [i]“You raid my villages, sacrifice my warriors to your gods, and think that this is over? Why shouldn't I tear out your throat where you stand?”[/i] Screamed Ajaw Chuzzoxk at the helpless messenger. The flickering torches that lit the auditorium and his muscular form conspired to create a terrifying sight for the nervous figure. [i]“Our warriors' honour was satisfied and our gods were appeased. Your kidnapping of my honoured Ajaw's sister has received recompense and is finished in her eyes. You overstepped your bounds Honoured Ajaw.”[/i] The messenger was held to be untouchable on the luxurious mosaic circle of flooring which stood at the centre of the amphitheatre, striking anyone speaking there was forbided by long and honoured tradition. [i]“And now I seek recompense for a new matter against your lands!”[/i] Ajaw Chuzzoxk visibly struggled against the rooms mind-wardings as his anger bubbled over. He stalked across the amphitheatre's floor menacingly with his tail thrashing in anticipation and his teeth bared. The room was packed with delegates and representatives from across the Confederacy who watched the unfolding disaster with great interest. A low-level murmur of their conversations rumbled around the stone amphitheatre like a tropical storm as each of them positioned themselves for or against the motion that would inevitably be raised. Opinions changed like a swirling whirlpool amongst the onlookers as Chuzzoxk's anger strained the boundaries of tradition and the soothing mind magics that embraced the room. [i]“Honoured Ajaw. Revered Delegates. Let us adjourn for the night.”[/i] Interrupted Speaker Acuru who'd watched Chuzzoxk pace the luxurious mosaic floor far too long now. With a subtle gesture to Rinzu to proceed, he began to harness his powers. He leant forward heavily and focused his magics upon the Ajaw's mind, worming into cool the fiery temper the was clearly bubbling over. A chorus of agreement rippled across the amphitheatre as hundreds of lizardfolk rose from the stone benches and shuffled into the humid night air, arguing and chattering as they departed. While the crowd dispersed, Chuzzoxk thudded towards the Speaker with fangs jutting from his snarling mouth. The distraction gave the messenger enough time to begin the most dignified sprint possible as he made a swift exit from the theatre and to a safer location. [i]“I wasn't finished.”[/i] Spittle dripped from Chuzzoxk's mouth as he spat out the words. Drawing himself up to his full height in challenge to the Speakers words he stood with eyes attempting to bore a whole into the Speakers resolve. Speaker Acuru unwaveringly returned the Ajaw's stare without saying a word as the anger began to drain from the Ajaw. Rinzu's mind magic had taken hold and was guiding the Ajaw's mind towards a more controlled place. He deflated slightly and his posture relaxed, as he realised what was happening to him. With a flick of his tail he turned and stalked from the chamber out into the humid night. Rinzu sagged once the irate Ajaw was out of sight and breathed heavily, Lizardfolk magic was draining on the individual who practised it. [i]“Go home Rinzu.”[/i] Speaker Acuru, resting his manicured claws upon his friend's blotchy scales. [i]“His emotions were out of alignment Speaker. I must check the wardings to ensure....”[/i] [i]“Go home Rinzu.”[/i] He repeated with a finality that couldn't be debated. [i]“Yes Lord Speaker.”[/i] Rinzu stood to leave and the receding sound of his feet slapping on the cobblestone steps faded away into the night. Acuru remained for a moment and stood in the Auditorium watching the last of the braziers hissed and spit their final breaths. The distant sound of the city faintly reached him, drowned out by the rumble of the looming monsoon that hung menacingly over Aokki. [hr]Two celestial weeks ago, a small gang of Chuzzoxk's warriors had stalked into the town of Yacesk and kidnapped the sister of Ajaw Zatle. Small-scale honour skirmishes were common amongst the Khokos of the Confederacy as they established dominance amongst the towns and were used to compare relative strengths. Five days afterwards, the combined might of all of Yacesk's war-Khokos gathered in a great host of warriors and stalked through the lands of Iqagus, capturing and stealing as they went. These sorts of actions were rare but not uncommon amongst the smaller tribes and Khoko of the Confederacy, but a whole Ixlaok mobilising for an honour war was a major and troubling event for the Confederacy. Messages had buzzed through the Urzeri mind network speaking of gory sacrifices to the gods and raucous feasts held over three night in Yacesk. Chuzzoxk's attempt to gain more prestige amongst the Ajaw had backfired horribly and his villages were decimated by the warriors of Yacesk as a result, his villagers dragged into slavery or sacrificed to the gods. The normally choleric Ajaw had reached unheard-of heights to his already prestigious anger. [hr][b]The New World, The Burnt Branch Confederacy Aokki, The Palace Urzeri Room The next morning [/b] [i]“He can breath as much fire as he wishes Lord Speaker, it will not change the fact that he stole my sister.”[/i] The words projected strangely from blank porcelain mask worn by the Urzeri acolyte. Magic-infused smoke lay heavily throughout the chamber deep under the Palace, it's sweet taste made it feel like the smoke was peeling and stretching back the veil of reality in the chamber. Echoes moved strangely across the stone walls and the furtherest parts of the chamber were so engulfed amongst the mist that you could be mistaken for believing you were in a swamp. [i]“He will retaliate and this will escalate further Ajaw Zatle.”[/i] Acuru spoke to the false-faced acolyte who stood before him knowing that his message and his features would be projected to a similar acolyte in far-off town of Yacesk. [i]“It will be from a weakened position and we both know that.”[/i] [i]“The other Ixlaoki will intervene if things go too far.”[/i] [i]“I will defend what is mine Lord Speaker, as Chuzzoxk failed to do.”[/i] The Ajaw's words were spoken with such surety. [i]“And so I will try to recover your sister to prevent this from getting worse.” [/i]Zatle's porcelain faux face reacted to the subtle insult. Chuzzoxk wasn't the only Ajaw who failed to protect what was theirs... [hr][b]The New World, The Burnt Branch Confederacy Yigzi, The Yutlao Tribe's Complex 23rd of Feburary, 4901[/b] Bayan's orange eyes watched over a group of burly human slaves who were struggling to load the last of the junglewood onto their appointed wagon. His hawkish features double-checked his list to ensure that everything was ready to go. Six wagons had been loaded with the most exquisite items from across the tropical Burnt Branch Confederacy. Planks of vibrantly coloured junglewoods sat alongside blocks of jade the size of a dog, perfectly preserved jaguar pelts were piled next to cages holding parrots of dazzling colours, and vast quantities of bitter cocoa powder were preserved in beautifully decorated ceramic jars. Each of the covered carts could easily buy hundreds of slaves or vast jungle estates deep in the Confederacy, but instead they had been gathered for what would hopefully be the first part of a long lasting trade relationship with the Miranid Empire. Word had been given by the Confederate Council to open negotiations on a positive and friendly note with its neighbours and Speaker Acuru had even sent his most trusted cousins to negotiate. Once again Bayan smoothed his flowing robes nervously. Everything was so close to being ready for him to travel to his ancestral home. Though he was descended from the Fararual of the southern lands his family had moved away two generations ago. Would call him “Üarim” when he arrived and treat him as a brother when they see his olive skin or would they remember his family as the far-roaming huntsmen and women who left their lands for the Confederacy. [i]“Everything is ready Master Agorlu.”[/i] Bayan called up the steps as the junglewood thumped into place and was tied down. [i]“We can leave now.”[/i] A solitary lizardfolk rose from his prayers at his families' shrine, sacrificial blood dripping from his hands. Human attendants moved to his side, cleaning the blood and gore from Agorlu Yutlao's claws as they reattached his travel cloak. [i]“Good work Bayan.”[/i] His reptilian voice hissed. Even without trying, Agorlu has a pronounced hiss to his voice that reminded people around him of a hissing snake. [i]“Have the gods bless our travels, Master?”[/i] The shrines priests busied themselves burning the remainder of the diplomats offerings to Srolzaxl, the smoke would rise to the place of the gods and they would; hopefully, be pleased. [i]“What the gods said is not your business, just remember to translate everything the Miranidian say, precisely as they say it.”[/i] Agorlu slung a travel bag into the wagon as he pulled himself up into the seat claws scratching along the wooden support. [i]“If they insult us or are unpleasant then I would understand that as the translator your position forces you to relay these terrible words to me, but if you change their words or their meanings to please me....”[/i] The meaning was as clear to Bayan as the roasting sacrifice upon the alter was. He nodded humbly to his Master, making it clear he understood. [i]“Good.”[/i] Agorlu nodded back. [i]“I have been told the journey is long. Let us pass the time by you telling me all you know of your cousins.”[/i] As the convoy began its winding journey towards the Miranid Empire, Bayan began to retell the stories his ancestors had told him of his people. [hr][b]The New World, The Burnt Branch Confederacy Aokki, The Speakers Chambers Later that day[/b] [i]“Are you sure fur-foot. This is what the Eastern Empresses said?” [/i]Acuru lowered the paper transcript, which had been translated into Yutlao for him, as he looked over the fox-like features of the Amerean who stood before him. [i]“Yes Lord Speaker. She spoke to vast crowds to tell them this message, though she choose an old form of Amrean to speak in. It was written down and passed far and wide across here Empire.”[/i] The Amerean's travel clothes were covered in mud and jungle sap. He'd obviously travelled a great distance at speed to hand deliver this message. [i]“Discipline the barbarians, share their generous beneficence”[/i] Scoffed Speaker Acuru. [i]“What is she up to?”[/i] [i]“Sritos hasn't provided more for you Lord Speaker. He doesn't with to speculate without more information.”[/i] The Amerean shuffled uncomfortably as he spoke. [i]“Well done fur-foot. See to it that you are well rested tonight.”[/i] [i]“Thank you Lord Speaker.”[/i] [i]“Before you return to Sritos' side.”[/i] Acuru turned to the messenger, extending his arm forwards he opened his clawed hand to show a piece of silk parchment covered in elegantly written Amrean script. [i]“Translate this message for me. It arrived shortly before you did.”[/i] The Amerean messenger reverently took the message and cleared his throat before reading it. [i]“From the Esteemed Gwangyeong Empress, Avatar of the Sun God, Defender of Civilization and Pacifier of the Barbarians, addressed to…”[/i]