[quote=@Superboy] Marvel definitely has a lotta music that exists more in the background. The only real [i]theme[/i] that I recognize when it starts is Cap's, and sorta-kinda the Avengers main theme. But that might just be because I've heard it so many times it's ingrained itself into my skull. Dunno if you've seen this, but its a pretty interesting video on the subject. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vfqkvwW2fs[/url] I don'ttt think I'd agree with the idea that the DC movies had better scores, though. The only ones that I thought were particularly stand-out were the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel themes. Batman V Superman was...meehhh. I remember thinking a few of the tracks were alright, but it was nothing stand-out. Justice League was a special kind of garbage. Never saw Suicide Squad. [/quote] I've seen that Video. I'd argue that Incredible Hulk has a really great score during the Hulk/Abomination fight. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWnjBlX054k]It's definitely there. [/url] - Still one of my favourite 1v1 fights in the MCU. I'll agree while the DC films have a good score, and it's less backgroundy for sure there's no real character themes on it other than Supes and Bats. I feel like they've slipped, probably spending too much of the budget on CGI to remove moustaches. I'd argue that Marvels really turned around towards the end of phase 3 with it's scores, there was always the Avengers score when they teamed up, but I feel that Black Panther, Ragnarok, Ant-Man, Infinity War all deserve major shoutouts for having memorable scores. I'm not counting GoTG because a lot of it isn't music scored specifically for the film but instead music shoehorned in.