[@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi] Skill rewards! Since, you know, the arc is almost over. You have a little while to edit these in or not. For most, one is general, one is combat, but for Annie she just gets a combat skill upgrade Marygold: Leadership / Running Guin: Engineering Design / Archery Ayita: Sleight of Hand / Hand to Hand Combat Allison: Perception / Hand to Hand Combat Carolina: Singing / Stealth Richard: Intimidation / Wrestling Mira: Basic First Aid / Staff Fighting Lance: First Aid -> Advanced First Aid / Pistols Sara: Strategy / Parkour Dean: Basic First Aid -> Combat First Aid / Boxing Beth: Intuition / Knife Fighting Antoinette: Basic Hand to Hand -> Advanced Hand to Hand Combat