Recovery Girl gave her a reassuring smile. She knew that Nensu was someone far from Loma, someone who was more gentle and caring. Someone who wanted, and deserved to be a hero that could save the day. For a moment she was tempted to make a joke about it, but she knew it'd frighten her good(which wasn't her real intention). "Don't worry, he'll be fine. It's a miracle he could stand that much hits, but I guess miracles do happen," She said. Meanwhile a groan came out of the bed Midoriya was lying on. The old hero's eyes turned to the bed following the sound, and opened the curtains to see the green haired boy sitting up on the bed. He took the time to muster up the strength to talk again and moved his gaze to Nensu from Recovery Girl. "Hey." He said. MIdoriya thought of something that would help her feel assured, but quit as he felt the fatigue and the lingering pain overwhelm him. After all they've won(though he knew he didn't win the tournament, to be accurate). Nensu seemed like she was worried about him, and somehow, maybe through his past experience of the short moments he shot his quirk and broke his fingers mercilessly he knew no words from him would reassure her no matter what. --- "Man, I hope MIdoriya's alright. He seemed pretty beaten up." Kirishima said. There was another match going on, but 1-A's interest on the matchs got weaker as their concern for Midoriya grew after they saw Loma's arrival. All they saw was Nensu carrying Midoriya back to the infirmary, and nothing after that. Some of them were eager to check the infirmary, but were also afraid they'd see Midoriya in a total mess.