Gimli was both shocked, to hear that Yavanna was related to the 'Lady of the Light.' But then again, somehow it would explain where her power, strenght came from. And somehow it made him a little bit scared. Wondering how Scary Yavanna could get, if she got angry. He didn't want to find out for sure. As they made their way towards Lothlorien. Yavanna felt like she was coming home. Of all the time she had spent in Middle Earth. Here, had been one of her favourites. It was her second home. Hearing Gimli mumbling to himself, she couldn't help but roll her eyes into the back of head. Shaking her head, clearly he hadn't learnt. And his grumbling had drawn attention. As she heard a familiar voice. Yavanna smiled to herself, seeing a blonde haired Silvan elf step out of the darkness. Squeezing her way over to Gimli "I know he's got a sharp tongue on him sometimes, but doesn't mean you have to poke his eyes out." Her hand reached out, shifting the arrow away from Gimli's face. "Weapons dad! Mín don't foeg anui harm." (Weapons down! We don't mean any harm). Yavanna's smooth velvet voice commanded. Recongizing the voice of the young Princess...all bows and weapons lowered down at her request, bowing down in the presence of the Princess. "Your majesty." the elves greeted her. Yavanna may have not been their Queen, but they all had tremendous respect for the young Princess. Kili looked slightly shocked, at how easily they followed Yavanna's instructions. Obeying her, like she was their Queen. The respect they held for her must have been great. "Does she know, all the elves of Middle Earth?" he asked whispering to Legolas. Seeing one elf, still had his weapon up. Yavanna smiled a little playfully. "That command, goes for you too soldier. Or do you prefer to greet even your old friend and student, in such a way?" Yavanna asked Haldir teasingly. Of all the people here in Lorien. Yavanna was glad to see Haldir. He had been one of her eldest, dearest friends and her mentor. As a young child, she would have always admired him, and watched him train. Their bond and friendship, becoming that like a brother and a sister.