[@PokimKyOshi] She half listened to the girl Aira list her abilities, there was a long list of them. But it was when the girl caught on fire that had Morrigan have a natural reaction. She let out a small hiss as the heat brush against her skin, forcing her to take a couple steps back. Her eyes narrowed into slits as steam rose form her body and sweat needed her brows. The Ice Queen collected herself quickly and dropped her skin temperature even lower. [color=6ecff6]"Of course you can use fire, you were the girl with the floating orb last night."[/color] She said off handedly. [color=6ecff6]"Well if we are to spar, I can see I will have a tough time against you, my powers are weak against your flame."[/color] Morrigan drew the water from the Earth and created an ice copy of herself. The ice golem was almost an exact match for the cryomancer, but was still a little off in some places. The ice began moving in a blocky, jerking manner almost as if it was a puppet with a novice pulling the strings. [color=6ecff6]"I am better with inanimate constructs like weapons or building structures. But I am getting closer with the moving ones everyday, if you can't tell, ice is my bitch."[/color] A half smile appeared on her face as she locked eyes with the witch. If it came to a fight, she would be at a disadvantage, but Aira didn't specialize in only fire, she was an all arounder, so Morrigan had the advantage there.