[hider=The Seraph] Name: The Seraph Appearance: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/parahumans/images/c/cb/Simurgh.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160122231952[/img] Size: Main Body - 40 feet Wingspan - 140 feet It Came From: Appeared in the sky above the Colosseum in Rome, descending from above the cloud cover. Abilities: * High speed, high altitude flight. This ability to fly does not seem to rely on her wings for lift or propulsion, but is instead a kind of levitation. * Wings have surprisingly high durability, especially compared to her main body. * "Voice of Heaven" - Whether a sound based method of attack or simply a means of communication gone wrong, the Seraph's "Voice" is loud enough that it is accompanied by a massive concussive force strong enough to shatter concrete. * "Swords of Uriel" - An unambiguously offensive ability, the Seraph is able to conjure into being great flaming objects that resemble swords and control their movement for defense or offense. Swords are of varying size and number, though generally they are either small and many in number or larger but fewer in number. * Regenerative state - Upon sustaining a certain amount of damage the Seraph has been observed to retreat above the cloud layer, at an altitude that most combat aircraft cannot reach, and wraps herself within her wings and goes dormant. During this time the Seraph has been seen to rapidly heal from any injuries, including regrowing lost wings or appendages. * Telepathic communication - It has been reported that the Seraph may be capable of telepathic communication with certain individuals. Whether these individuals are specifically chosen for this communication or if there is something special about them that allows them to hear this communication while others can't has yet to be determined. Weaknesses: Despite her wingspan the Seraph's main body is smaller than most other Kaiju sighted so far and appears to be physically frailer as a result. Simply put, her body is not suited to close-range combat; her wings do not carry enough strength to be used offensively and her main body is too small and has too short of a reach to pose a threat. She relies entirely on her others abilities for combat, so should these somehow be rendered unusable she will be helpless. History: During her first sighted above Rome, the Seraph initial appeared to be benign; no aggressive actions were made and the Kaiju simply hovered above the city for several hours without moving. This lack of aggression combined with her angelic appearance led many to speculate on the potential divine nature of the Kaiju and despite attempts to cordon off the area thousands of civilians flocked to fill the streets around the Colosseum to witness the Seraph. Exactly four hours after her first appearance the Seraph made her first move, spreading her arms wide as if to embrace someone and lowered her head to face the crowd on onlookers. She opened her mouth and spoke. Casualties included the death of every living person within 300 feet of the Colosseum as well as dozens of people struck by debris, some as far as half a mile away; injuries numbered in the hundreds, all outside of the destruction zone, including a number of incidents of hearing loss. Autopsies report that victims died of severe, full body trauma including but not limited to the fracturing of all bones and the liquefaction of all soft tissues inside the body. Property damage included the complete destruction of the Colosseum, severe damage to all buildings within the destruction zone and dozens more buildings outside this zone being struck by debris launched from the Colosseum. The Seraph immediately left after this incident, rising up above the cloud layer and disappearing from all aviation radars soon after.[/hider]