[center][img]https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/shadowrun_wikickstart/8/8e/Npc_humanfemale_glory.png?version=36a3f123e8f6d6fc869e8f585e5cf30a[/img][/center] [@Hitman] [hr] Glory heard Victoria call for a two pronged attack, and figured that they would be fine on their own. Glory’s momentum was already built, and she wasn’t going to be subtle in the slightest. Glory’s feet carried her swiftly across the rough terrain. The guards that patrolled outside, if they saw Glory, would likely be powerless to stop her. Even still, Glory knew that she needed to be faster, and thus Glory did something that made her uncomfortable. It only took a thought to activate. One simple command from her mind to her body. [Overdrive.] Glory felt a rush as her body began to move even faster than what it had been moving at previously, much like how one would experience a sudden surge of adrenaline. Glory moved at an almost blur as she approached the rough walls of the factory. Glory honed in on one particular section of wall as, for some reason, Glory had an instinctive feeling that there wouldn’t be any life lost from what she was about to do. If only Glory knew that it wasn’t instinct telling her this. Regardless, Glory’s focus hardened. She harnessed one of the few emotions that she could still feel: Anger. Glory was angry at the people here for stealing the cat, Glory was angry at herself for having to use Overdrive and further acknowledge that she was less human than she wanted to be, and Glory’s repressed anger bubbled to the surface. With eyes almost glowing red, Glory raised her left fist and propelled it forward just as she reached the wall. The ground shook from the force of the blow, and smoke filled the air. The sound was almost like an explosion going off, and once the smoke cleared enough to see Glory now stood atop a freshly made pile of rubble some distance into the building, and a frighteningly large portion of the wall was now gone, which is presumably where the rubble came from. Seething with hate, Glory barked one simple demand. [b]”I AM GLORY OF DRAGON HEART. SOMEONE HERE HAS STOLEN AN EXCEED. IF YOU WISH TO REMAIN WHOLE, RETURN THIS EXCEED.”[/b] Glory’s eyes darted around the room, her senses turned to maximum as Overdrive elevated her to power unknown to most. Naturally, the large metal doors at the end of the factory caught her attention. Glory would’ve gone to investigate, but if she so quickly dismissed her attention from those gathered then they would probably seek to counter attack, and Glory certainly couldn’t have that. Glory had everyone's attention now, like it or not. Abandoning such a pursuit too early would more than likely endanger her and her teammates. That was the trick of intimidation: Once you start, don't stop until you're done. Bringing her arms apart, Glory smashed her fists together, producing an excessively loud metallic clank from the impact. To the likely surprise of those present, Glory’s fists suffered no damage from this. Glory barked another command, expecting obedience from those gathered. [b]”ANSWER ME OR ANSWER WITH YOUR FLESH.”[/b]