Name: Kakra/Kato Equinox [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] Kato is the gray haired boy, Kakra is the blonde girl. [/hider] Age: 17 Grade: Second Biography: Twins born with powerful blessings from twin gods: Mundas and Celestial. Uniquely, their powers could combine to a degree to be even stronger... but their parents were foolish. At the age of 10, they were cursed by a witch after their parents reneged on a bad deal. The twins were fused together, a large portion of Kato's powers being sealed inside of Kakra... and Kakra was sealed within Kato. Only when on death's door may Kato free Kakra, but if she stays out for too long, the imbalanced powers will caused her to go into meltdown. Therefore, she must use her powers to heal Kato before it's too late, but in doing so seals herself away. It's an extremely uncomfortable existence for both of them, as Kakra was always the more dominant personality -- to say nothing of the requirements of Kakra gaining even temporary freedom. Kato spends much of his time quietly reading, usually occult books trying to find a cure for their situation. Various power users have tried to help them over the years, but so far no one has had a powerful enough ability to counteract the curse. Suffice it to say, they're also not on good terms with their parents. Powers: Core: Sun/Moon Flower Kakra gains significant power in broad daylight, and vice-verse for Kato at night, and more so under the moon. This manifests as a shimmering field around their bodies that protects them and makes them physically more adept, but if the field is damaged they lose all their strength until they recharge for a short time. While normally their power would be limited only by the length of day and night, due to the curse, even under the moon Kato is weaker than Kakra would be even on a cloudy day, though still slightly stronger than an average person, while Kakra is limited by the impending threat of a meltdown. First: Overgrow/Shroud Kakra overcharges herself, gaining absurd healing and increasing strength overtime. She can shed this energy and gift it to others, healing them and reinforcing them, but loses the effect on herself. / Kato creates a null-zone that blocks light and saps the strength of those inside, giving it to himself. Second: Starburst/Bloom Kakra creates a small star that grows, becoming blindingly bright and then exploding after a few minutes. This feeds back into Overgrow. She can direct it like a missile when it's ready to burst, or just set it off early. / Kato summons a ring of eight moonflowers, creating a safe zone for all those inside it. Only people he welcomes in can enter it. The flowers slowly shut one per minute until the circle fails. The barrier can be overwhelmed, and weakens slightly as each flower shuts. Is nearly impregnable at full power, however. Third: Mixer/Eclipse Kakra can possess Kato to speak for him, but to take control Kato must be effectively dead. When she takes control, she will go into meltdown after about fifteen minutes, but can use altered versions Kato's powers while she is in full control. Enshroud = Celestial Cloak: She enshrouds another in sunny energy, effectively granting them a reduced but still quite powerful form of Overgrow. She also gains a small portion of the solar energy that person absorbs, further increasing her own growth. Bloom = Sun Blossoms: She summons a sunflower where she touches. It blooms over the course of a minute and then releasing a fully charged Starburst. She can plant them one at a time, up to only four, and in fairly quick succession. Eclipse: Kakra can create a singularity that adsorbs sunlight and projects a dark space for Kato. Similarly, Kato can absorb moonlight and then release an orb that acts like a small sun for a short time. This was a much stronger ability when both were free to move at the same time, obviously... Relationships: (Assuming it's known publicly to some degree) Alicia: They've heard she's a witch. Pretty sure she has nothing to do with their problem, but they still kinda dislike her on principle.