[hider=Kxeyun+Sahaquiel] [b]Pilot Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Kxeyun Amarati [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/411642806038298656/521467674383876097/47470358_p0.png[/img] 5 foot 5 inches. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Personality:[/b] Kxeyun is very clingy, due to her past and her separation anxiety. To help cope with this, she can be found playing with dolls in her room and has named one after herself. When someone tries to leave her alone she immediately goes for a hug and begs them to stay. If she likes said person as a close friend she panics when they leave, thinking she's done something wrong, only comforted by reassuring words or their return. To stay close to people, she strives to outperform her whole team, thinking it'll help her be liked. For other interactions, she tends to be really open about herself and arches her back to show off her body. Her goal in life seems to be getting as many friends as humanly possible and never leave them behind. She's also very kind but will kill to protect her friends. She likes sharing with her friends, like food, music, toys, and random facts. Some of her hobbies is making food and giving little treats. Due to her past, she is VERY strong willed. [b]Backstory:[/b] Kxeyun's history beyond being part of Denver is unknown due to family-hopping and being in a rural area. Originally part of Denver-Vegas, Kxeyun was in the Reality Games for recognition, as an NC pilot. However, her effectiveness with her Reality Game NC was noted to be above the norm. Due to her efficiency in the hunting grounds and exceptionally high killstreaks, she was offered a slot into the military despite being extremely competitive with other NCs, unsurprisingly as a pilot. she was part of the force dealing with other corps, specifically NCs and large force movements. Her NC was a prototype, essentially a Pseudo Hunter-Killer NC. They never expected it to work well, considering Denver uses ranged weapons and this NC called "Sahaquiel", meaning "Ingenuity of God", is an all melee build. It is not known if the NC manufacturer is religious or not, though Kxeyun isn't, leading the name to probably just be a stylistic point. When placed in battle, upon recognizing how well it worked against other NCs, they put development into new equipment for it. One of these equipment pieces was a mouth, added in case if an enemy restrained both arms. During that time, an unknown individual approached Kxeyun and taught her of Haven and Red-Star. They offered her and Sahaquiel a way to get to Haven too, she regrettably accepted. On her way to Haven via a cargo ship, a Denver-Vegas capture NC intercepted, they CLEARLY didn't want her to escape. The Denver NC reportedly boarded the ship and began scanning. Kxeyun managed to sneak into her NC and engage the Denver NC, which didn't expect it to be ready to fight. Sahaquiel reportedly tore the capture NC to bits in a surprise attack. No surviving pilot of the capture NC was found. Denver gave up after that. Since then, Sahaquiel and Kxeyun were left alone and got to Haven safely, they were accepted. Kxeyun was checked and has a high synch rate with Sahaquiel, 89.6. Other NCs drop considerably lower, 76.5 on average. As such, she has Sahaquiel as her designated NC. [b]Tactical Preferences and Skills:[/b] Kxeyun's personality makes it hard for her to stay at a distance, she WANTS to charge in and rip an NC to shreds. Her vision with an NC is solid, same with outside one. She's a good assistant for Sniper NCs as she can get up close and distract the enemy, or grab and position them to be hit by long-range units. [b]Notes:[/b] Kxeyun has a favorite song. [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKLWC93nvAU [/youtube] ------ [b]NC Character Sheet[/b] [b]Code-name:[/b] Sahaquiel, Ingenuity of God. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/01c2/i/2013/330/a/b/jura_mech_battle_suit_by_ryonok-d6vss5b.jpg[/img] (ignore scale models in the corner) [b]Body Type:[/b] Bipedal, bulky. [b]Type of NC:[/b] Heavy Melee [hider=Equipment & Armaments] [b]Equipment & Armaments:[/b] [i]Dual Engines:[/i] This mecha has 2 engines. Primary is for main body functions, the secondary is for the thrusters and arm-mounted shield piercers. [i]Shield Piercers:[/i] This mecha has reverse engineered shield modules in the heavily armored arms, allowing the arms to bypass shields entirely. However, notably, this means the arms are unprotected when the shield piercers are in use. [i]Heavy Claws:[/i] This mecha has heavy claws, designed for ripping through buildings and other NCs. However, notably, this prevents the NC from using traditional weaponry like assault rifles or pistols. [i]Shields:[/i] This mecha has a set of energy shields, designed to stop kinetic and energy rounds. When the shield piercers are active, this NC cannot extend these shields to the arms, leaving the body and legs shielded. [i]Mouth:[/i] This mecha has a mouth, not meant for consuming things, but meant to rip through things with a powerful bite. This mouth is nearly impossible to see when closed and near undetectable on sensors. [i]Viper Thrusters:[/i] This mecha is equipped with hidden Viper Thrusters, giving it additional temporary boosts of speed and punching power when activated, this helps make the mecha faster than normal Heavy Class NCs [i]Ejection Pod:[/i] This mecha is equipped with an ejection pod, that ejects Pilot (and Passenger) with core system data, to prevent capture by the enemy. The pod is boosted by rockets and lands 80-150 meters away from the NC, depending on the firing angle. When it fires, a large metal plate on the back slides down, and if it cannot, it is ejected by separation thrusters. [/hider] [b]Notes:[/b] This mecha is unusual, it stands at 6 meters for normal height and when it stands fully up 8 meters. It also has a 3 jointed leg system. The mecha also has a secondary passenger seat where someone can accompany the pilot in battles. It serves no function other than showing camera and sensor feed to the passenger. It has been noted that the Pilot tends to vocalize growling/roaring and has it come out of the loudspeakers, the reason for this is unknown. Sahaquiel's roars sounds like [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVtx3xE8uGQ&t=46]this.[/url] [/hider]