[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Hero's District, Priestella Death count: 1 Reset Count: 2 [hr] Chieko mostly kept to herself, still feeling bad about not going with Aerith and Hiro. But what could she do? She was certain that as a hero, she was completely invincible...but, that didn't mean she wasn't afraid. Afraid of death, specifically. It hurt, last time. A lot. Dying hurt. She didn't want to again, if she could help it and this seemed like the safest route. Still...maybe Hiro would give her more head pats if she went with them. She did quite like those. Still...she left, following behind Aer in the same manner as she had before. [color=Chocolate]"...Aki. Hiro's just a friend."[/color] Pulling her out of her thoughts, was the adorable Aki. Seeing her immediately improved her own mood. With a satisfied smile she shook her head. Just like last time, huh. [color=Chocolate]"Sorry. I have to go with Miss Aer right now."[/color] Chieko replied holding onto Aki's other hand. [color=Chocolate]"Uhm, but maybe you could show me around later? Or do you want to come with?"[/color]