[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PxDI4zz.png[/img] [SUB][COLOR=695477]H E L S T O N | F R I D A Y | O C T O B E R 2 6 ★[/color][/sub] ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ [/center] Mundane. BLEAK. Humdrum. These are words that could accurately be used to describe Helston on a day-to-day basis. The weather wasn't particularly interesting either, a light mist shrouding the small town like a blanket, though this was relatively typical, waters brought over from the eastern gulf no doubt. The soft glimmer of sunlight was beginning to slowly make waves throughout the quiet town. Everything seemed [i]normal[/i], in Helston standards. The town certainly couldn't compare to the normal of Dadena City--a city with scrapers that reached far beyond the clouds. At least, these were the exaggerated tales that were told. It was situated way up north past Eastbourne and Mineral Grove. Not an easy or particularly safe trek to take, but worth it for some. Dadena City was unlike any other. Bustling with life, dazzling colours, and a cathartic cacophony that only the city folk could actually appreciate for all its glory. Yet the city life certainly didn't come without its flaws. Underground weirdos and the ever-present attempts of the unions were always something to keep on the mind. Even still, this was certainly something our dear Luca always missed. A day didn't go by that he didn't miss the city and the underground world that pervaded below it. Looking out over the rooftop was unlike anything else. An experience that was difficult replicate in the flat land that was Helston. And yet, here he was, doing just that. The town was beginning to move, early-birds preparing for their equally early work. A number of individuals in the quiet neighborhood had gathered around a large tree(common to this region), their gaze look up towards the canopy. The wind of gentle this morning, creating a soft whisper amongst the branches and the leaves. [color=gray]"Should we wake him?"[/color], someone said. [color=gray]"Leave em. He's here like this often"[/color]. An older stout woman gasped, [color=gray]"But what if he falls?"[/color]. Her husband pulled her away, [color=gray]"He won't. He never does."[/color] Another woman shook her head in disbelief, [color=gray]"I found him upon me rooftop the other morning. As sound as a rock I tell ya."[/color] The stout woman gasped again at this remark, her husband fighting harder to drag her along. This was indeed true though. High up near the canopy was Luca, his tall lanky figure awkwardly sprawled out upon a large protruding branch. His arm was dangling off the side and his snore was like a cat. Surprisingly nimble for someone of his height. The murmurs from below broke him from his slumber. The hard bark to him as comfy as any silk comforter was to another. though perhaps this was less of the feeling and more of the experience. This was as close as he could get to the rooftops of Dadena City. Luca's eyes opened wistfully as he sat up and yawned, his legs dangling over the side. Seeing him wake up, the small crowd began to disperse, [color=gray]"Be careful where you lie kid. I reckon you might fall and break your neck next time."[/color] Luca shook his head, refuting the statement in a rather unbothered kind of manner, [COLOR=695477][b]"I am not a kid."[/b][/color] he said, surprisingly deft in the manner that he kicked off the branch and landed softly on the dew covered soil below. The man stared at Luca, though the latter was paying the man little attention as he wiped himself off, [color=gray]"Completely missed the point"[/color] the man muttered, walking off. [hr] Back inside the house, Finnes, his personal attendant and [i]she's basically my mother[/i] figure was laying out plates on the table, an iron spatula in her hand full of meatless spud(a potato mix, usually with meat. A popular breakfast in Halston). [color=f6989d]"Come come. Sit before your breakfast gets cold."[/color] she said, motioning towards the empty chair at the table. The 21 year old Luca crossed his arms and pouted as Petra came stomping down the stairs, followed by her twin Petyr who was trying to consolidate her. [color=82ca9d]"How was I supposed to know that you liked him?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Umm...because I told you!"[/color] Petra yelled at her twin. Finnes looked up from filling the last plate with spud, her face vexed, [color=f6989d]"What the hell is going on?"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"You knew I liked him and you kissed him anyways."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"I did not. He kissed me first!"[/color] Petyr retaliated. [color=6ecff6]"That's beside the point!"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Hellooo!!!"[/color] Finnes snapped, grabbing their attention at last. [color=f6989d]"Both of you sit down please. We can discuss this later"[/color] Petyr shrugged as Petra glared at him, but they both inevitably took a seat opposite of eachother. Looking back to Luca, Finnes rolled her eyes, [color=f6989d]"Now what are you pouting about?"[/color] Before he could respond, a loud explosion could be heard from outside, a fair distance away from where they were. The light brought on by the explosion seeped through the windows as a tremble rippled through the house. Everyone stood still and remained very quiet until the trembling came to cease. Petra was the first to rush to the window, gazing out towards the distance. [color=6ecff6]"And here I thought we moved out of Dadena City to get away from all this bull"[/color] she snarked. Finnes put the iron spatula in the sink and wiped off the dried spud that had got on her hands, walking over to the window to look out beside her, [color=f6989d]"We came here to keep Luca safe."[/color] she said matter factly, looking over to Luca and giving him a motherly wink. Luca smiled as he fiddled with his fingers, [color=695477]"What could that have been?"[/color] he asked, his essence bubbling with curiosity. Petyr seemed rather unphased by it as he stuffed his face with a spoonful of luke-warm spud, [color=82ca9d]"Probably just typical union fodder. The resistance can handle it I'm sure."[/color] Petra snapped, [color=6ecff6]"That was no typical explosion. And that light? No way!"[/color] And then the siren went off and Petra immediately moved to grab her gear from out of the closet, [color=6ecff6]"Gen-Alert"[/color] she said bluntly, latching something to her waist. [color=f6989d]"Wait wait wait!"[/color] Finnes stepped in, but Petra pulled out her phone and shoved the screen in her face, [color=6ecff6]"Look. The coordinates of whatever the hell created that light and tremor have already been posted on the Net channel. The resistance is gonna need all the help they can get."[/color] Putting the device back in her pocket, she moved towards the door. Petyr finished slurping down the last of his spud and moved towards the closet to get his own equipment, [color=82ca9d]"I'm in."[/color] he stated, prompting a simple nod of approval from Petra. Luca watched as they opened the front door, [color=695477]"Wait for me!"[/color] he said in an exuberant hurry. Thrilling things like this always got him exhilarated. The potential danger took a backseat to his own curious inner workings and what may lie out there. This type of chaos reminded him of the city. He always sought it whenever it came to him. Finnes made a zag towards him and stood in the way, [color=f6989d]"No the hell you're not."[/color] Luca pulled away from her, [color=695477]"Yes I am! And you know you can't stop me."[/color] This was true and Finnes knew it. She watched as Luca went to grab his own gear, frowning, but knowing there wasn't anything she could do to stop him. [color=f6989d]"Fine! I'm coming too then."[/color] Petra raised an eyebrow and looked at her in shock, [color=6ecff6]"Seriously Fin?"[/color]. [color=f6989d]"Yes, seriously!"[/color] she insisted, grabbing some gear she had stowed in a drawer, [color=f6989d]"If Luca is going, then I'm going too."[/color] Petra looked at Finnes with a crossed expression, [color=6ecff6]"Luca may seem awkward, but we personally trained him. He can hold his own. Plus he's special like me and Petyr. You know we can do certain things that you can't. And for something of this magnitude, you should probably stay back and keep us posted if anything happens within the town."[/color] Finnes didn't respond. She simply brushed past them as she began towards the coordinates that had also popped up on her phone as well. [color=f6989d]"Are you coming or not?"[/color] she said curtly, not looking back at the three of them. Luca, Petra, and Petyr all looked at each other and shrugged. [color=82ca9d]"Wait..."[/color] Petyr said suddenly, a grin forming on his face, [color=82ca9d]"Aren't we gonna take the car?"[/color]