I like that idea! Only thing is that for that to happen, she'd have to either disarm him or convince him not to kill her when they meet, because he's still trying to prove himself to his people, so he wouldn't be as merciful as Serix was. His first instinct would be to follow his orders and kill her rather than ask questions. I'm guessing she wouldn't know how to fight very well, since the only Lunairans who learn that skill are the ones in the military (unless her mother was a soldier, she wouldn't have been able to teach her), so it would be more likely for her to trick him or convince him not to shoot. I think that all depends on my free time, tbh. I'm going into my senior year at college soon, and my professors are trying to kill me with homework ^^; Last semester, I had 40-60 hours of homework per week, so I could only keep up with one RP. If things don't change during my last three semesters, I definitely won't have time to follow so many different stories. We'll just have to wait and see how that goes! I could see that as a plausible thing to add in later. Actually, fun fact, arranged marriages have a much higher success rate than marriages for love, because the couple almost always learns to love who they're with. It's really interesting if you look at the psychology behind it. However, that doesn't mean every single marriage is happy, so it's totally possible for one of the sympathizers to leave his/her mate for a human spouse.