Well, I had one thing that was a 1x1 idea pitch in the blind that ended up becoming a large group RP that I now have to GM. [i]So somewhere between where you are and where I'm at should be a solution.[/i] In my case it was knowing a few roleplayers well enough to have an idea for common themes that they want... The other was persistance. Because the first 6 people I pitched it to didn't go very far even though interest was shown, or there was an expectation to just jump directly into the roleplay (which hardly happens in my case). Thirdly is figuring out when and what to start dialing back on in terms of themes to pursue. As some people intersted in the same genre may not be comfortable with some aspects of it, or not quite willing to give it a 270 degree twist yet (others will just yawn unless you offer a full 960 and throw in a few kinks).