Evelynia was ready. She had her finger on the trigger and was in the process of pulling it, when suddenly...the Lunairan disappeared. It just vanished in thin air! But...how was that possible? It certainly wasn't any ability her mother had told her Lunairans had. She turned, as if expecting to see the Lunairan behind her or off to the side. Yet, even in her frantic turning, wide blue eye scanning the area, she could see no sign of the man that had once been before her. Her mind was trying to wrap her head around where he could have possibly gone, and for a moment she considered running. Yet, as she took her first step to do so, suddenly her gun was knocking from her hand, clattering to the ground as her arms were grabbed. She struggled against the hold of the Lunairan as he pinned her arms behind her back. Once she was disarmed and in his grasp, the Lunairan appeared again, pressing his weapon against her head. What were those things called again? Her mother used to have one. A Quieter? No, no. A Silencer, yes. That was the word. A deadly weapon. One that she had the misfortune of coming face to face with years ago. Would the same thing happen now if she was shot with it? Especially at such a close range? It was a possibility that it could have the same effect as then, only knocking her out. But, there was a chance they could have further improved these weapons and it could kill her. Either way, she didn't want to take that risk. Yet, she had a feeling she was going to find out anyway. This Lunairan spoke to her, and it was in a language she understood. Her mother had taught her the Lunairan language. She had grown up just as fluent in it as she was in English. He was saying how disappointing she was and how he thought she would put up more of a fight. It was as thought this was all some sort of thrill for him. And, honestly, that's probably exactly what it was. Just a game of cat and mouse, where he would get the 'honor' of finishing off the last of the humans. Unless...he thought there were other humans. Would he be able to resist the temptation of hunting down a whole group of humans versus just killing one? Despite him wanting to make her fear, she showed none. Death was something she had been knocking on the door of for a long time. She had seen it over and over again, and had even considered bringing herself to death time and time again. Death was a friend to her by now, so if this little scheme didn't work and he didn't believe her, then at least she tried and would finally be with her family again. "Disappointing indeed." Evelynia spoke, clicking her own tongue in mockery of his own little speech, "You only found one measly human."