Caeyin was just about to pull the trigger on his Silencer to end the human’s life, when she said something that made him freeze. It wasn’t just the words that gave him pause, it was the fact that she had not only understood him but had responded back in the same tongue. Curious. Was it possible that humans spoke the same language as the Lunairan people? It seemed odd, especially considering their two species had never interacted before his people came to inhabit the Earth. His violet eyes swept over her body. As unlikely as it was, he supposed it wasn’t impossible. They did look quite similar to Lunairans, so perhaps their native tongue was similar enough that they could communicate as well. Having come to a conclusion that seemed sensible enough, he was able to think a little more about the content of her words. To his annoyance, she didn’t seem the least bit afraid of him. He had been hoping for some cowering or begging for mercy at the very least. Instead, she seemed like she didn’t care whether she lived or died. It was discouraging, since he didn’t want to let her get off easily after all the trouble she had caused him. However, what held him back the most from pulling the trigger on this human was the fact that she had made it sound like there were more of her kind left alive. Part of him felt like she was probably just trying to save herself by telling him there were others of her kind, but what if she was telling the truth? If there were more humans out there, then that would mean the Plague had failed in a rather spectacular way. The Higher Powers had told them that it would kill of all of the creatures without fail. For so many of them to still be alive would mean their leaders had been wrong. They had never been wrong before. He had to find out if it was true. “Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint,” Caeyin said in a menacingly soft voice, speaking in the human’s ear from where he stood behind her. Shifting his hold on her, he lowered his weapon from her head and pressed the barrel between her shoulder blades before releasing his hold on her arms to allow her to move freely. “If there are others, take me to them,” he instructed, pushing the tip of his Silencer threateningly against her spine. “Just know that if you try anything funny, I will kill you where you stand.” He kept his gaze fixed on her back, ready to shoot at a moment’s notice if she made any sudden movements. The human had made a fool of him during the pursuit, but he wasn’t going to allow her to do it again. Next time she tried to get the best of him, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. “Go on then,” he gave her another harsh shove. “Get moving.”