[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjFjYjVhNi5RMlZzWlhOMFpRLCwuMA,,/andaluzia-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][color=15E9CE]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PbvJUID.jpg[/img][/center] [color=15E9CE][b]Name:[/b][/color] Celeste [color=15E9CE][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=15E9CE][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=15E9CE][b]Race:[/b][/color] Unknown [color=15E9CE][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Celeste was named after the color of her vibrant teal-like hair. The markings on her face is not makeup. It is her natural look, making her resemble a clown in appearance, which has made her the butt of all jokes since she started school. No matter what she does, she cannot make the markings go away, and she stopped trying to. She’s accepted that once the foundation has rubbed off, she is who she is—whatever that is. Her eyes are a tense aqua, standing out against a dark background (the dark circles of her eyes). Her nose is a pinkish-red and her lips a solid-cotton candy blue. The left side of her body from her neck down to her hip is tattooed with Japanese-style clouds. She got the tattoos to compliment the freak she has accepted herself to be. Celeste stands at 5’7” and weighs 135 lbs. She has an athletic physique and her electric-blue hair extends down to her shoulder blades. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjFjYjVhNi5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXeHBkSGssLjAAAAAA/andaluzia-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjYwLjE4ODE3Ny5WMmh2SjNNZ2JHRjFaMmhwYm1jZ2JtOTNQdywsLjAA/harvest-barn-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] Celeste has been picked on for majority of her life because of her face. Overtime, she grew a tough skin, but became distrusting of others—even those who might actually care about her. She has always had to fight her battles alone. People claiming to be her friends turned on her to remain apart of the cool crowd. Boys who she thought were supposed to respect a lady, instead wanted to bully and fight her. The females were worse. She went through a few periods in her life where she fooled everyone by wearing foundation. Boys flocked to her then, wanting to date the exotic girl. It only made her female peers jealous to the point that one day they threw water in her face just to see the makeup melt off. “The clown was still a clown.” Celeste since then, after an emotional and healing period, stopped trying to fool others and herself. She no longer hid her face and has since worn it proudly. Unfortunately, even with her own personal acceptance, once she graduated high school, it was difficult to find a job. Employers thought she was a punk or a freak. They even thought she was crazy and had tattooed her own face. How could she explain it? She eventually found a job working for a traveling circus and has loved it ever since. The teal-haired girl has an intolerance for bullying. While she mostly minds her own business, if a person is out-numbered or the strong are picking on the weak, she will step in to protect them if she deems the victim not at fault. She is brave. No matter the size or how menacing the foe appears, Celeste is unwavering having grown up dealing with frightening bullies. Most see her face and underestimate her (what a joke!), and they pay for it. She is a very calm and confident fighter. She studies her opponent to find their weaknesses and exploit them. She mostly fights to incapacitate an enemy unless they demonstrate to her that they deserve an ass-beating. It takes a while for Celeste to trust a person. They can, however, earn her trust quickly under certain circumstances. She doesn’t like to be belittled, and she’s over chivalry. She never had it growing up. It’ll take a while for her to learn to trust others to have her back, but when she does, her friends will see her open up. As though a rain cloud had lifted, Celeste is all smiles and has a sense of humor. She'll often crack corny puns just to make people cringe so she can laugh at them. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjFjYjVhNi5VM1JoZEhNLC4wAAAAAA,,/andaluzia-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [center] [color=15E9CE][b]Strength:[/b][/color] [color=ec008c]6[/color] [color=15E9CE][b]Ki:[/b][/color] [color=ec008c]4[/color] [color=15E9CE][b]Endurance:[/b][/color] [color=ec008c]5[/color] [color=15E9CE][b]Speed:[/b][/color] [color=ec008c]5[/color] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmY0MGJkYS5TMmssLjA,/shock-shimmy.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjFjYjVhNi5RV0pwYkdsMGFXVnouMAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/andaluzia-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=15E9CE][b]The Acrobat:[/b][/color] Celeste is very acrobatic. Flipping, backhand springs, springing off opponents, and using the environment to reach places most average humans can’t is what she excels in. She can control her body rotations in mid-air, which allows her to safe fall from great heights. As a circus performer, her acrobatics only get better. She often experiments, always trying to perform new tricks. As an acrobat, she is advanced in calisthenics able to hold her own weight with one finger if she must and effortlessly lift herself or throw herself to reach ledges. [color=15E9CE][b]The Contortionist:[/b][/color] She is extremely flexible. She can perform a split without suffering consequences and contort her body into shapes that would make most people cringe. She has a superhumanly high kinesthetic sense, knowing where her limbs are at all times and being adept at multi-tasking. Her hand-an-eye coordination is exceptional. She can dislocate her limbs and relocate her limbs, fit into cramped and tiny spaces, and make it difficult for most enemies to put her in a submission because she can noodle her way out of it. [color=15E9CE][b]Techniques[/b][/color] •[color=15E9CE][b]The Hypnotist (Offensive):[/b][/color] Enemies who make eye-contact with Celeste can become mesmerized without realizing it. When her technique is in effect, her cyan hair raises and oscillates like the serpentine tendrils of Medusa. Only an opponent with a strong will can break free of her hypnosis, but those who can’t are at the mercy of her suggestions. She will command them to do whatever she pleases and only she can wake them up. •[color=15E9CE][b]The Magician - [i]Now You See Me; Now You Don't[/i] (Defensive):[/b][/color] Celeste can use her ki to make an exact copy of herself. The doppelganger will leave her enemies confused, whilst they try to locate the real deal. Frequently, her doppelganger will stick her tongue out or make a childish and taunting face. One who is experienced fighting her would recognize this to be the doppel—an illusion. •[color=15E9CE][b]The Clown - [i]Party Poppers[/i] (Offensive):[/b][/color] You can’t have a party without poppers. Celeste can litter a battlefield with floating pink orbs of ki. The orbs are highly explosive and can explode on contact or when she detonates them herself. Surprise! She can even secretly plant an orb on an enemy without them knowing. Heh, they find out eventually by discovery or when they blow up. It’s more amusing when they find them. You should see their face! •[color=15E9CE][b]The Juggler (Offensive):[/b][/color] No matter the size, the weight, or the amount; Celeste demonstrates her ability to juggle her enemies. Whether it be with her hands or on her knees or feet as though they’re a soccer ball. She can keep them flip-flopping for as long as she desires. Unless they know how to fly or rotate out of it of course. It’s one of her impressive circus acts. If she’s kicking or kneeing the enemy, then each knee/kick is a powerful strike. [color=15E9CE][b]Ultimate Technique[/b][/color] •[color=15E9CE][b]Clowning Around (Defensive):[/b][/color] The ultimate works as a mighty counter in two ways. The first way is if she is against a powerful ki-based attack. Celeste will absorb the attack, convert it to pink with her own ki, and double its power using her own ki and return it. This opportunity allows her to conserve her ki since she is doubling the power sent against her. The second way is if she is avoiding a physical attack. She will evade the attack at the last second, in which case, her ki dramatically skyrockets. Her counter attack could potentially cripple her opponent and send them flying. As she improves this technique, she’ll be able to evade in order to increase the power of her counter by storing potential energy until its kinetic release. Thus, she looks like she’s clowning around for dodging so much. [color=15E9CE][b]Transformation[/b][/color] None [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjFjYjVhNi5VM1J2Y25rLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/andaluzia-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LjE4Nzc2ZC5TU0JvWVhabElHRnNkMkY1Y3lCaVpXVnVJSFJvWlNCbWNtVmhheTQsLjAA/harvest-barn-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] One night, a star fell and landed in a corn field. The corn began to burn, and an alarmed farm family raced to save them. After extinguishing the flames, they heard through the black smokescreen a baby crying. In a smoking crater, they found a child with bright-blue hair lying beneath the rubble of what could have been a strange pod. Flabbergasted and scared for the child’s life, the farm couple dug the child out and discovered the baby girl’s odd face. Her adopted mother tried to wipe the markings away, believing them to be makeup, but she only succeeded in upsetting the child. Her adopted father declared she was an alien and didn’t know what to do with her. Always desiring a child of her own, her mother decided to keep her, and they swore to tell no one about her origins. She was named Celeste and she grew up a happy girl. She played about the farm expending her youthful energy, playing with the animals, and hiding in the cornfield from the pet border collie, Samuel. It was when her parents decided that she was old enough to go to public school that Celeste’s joyful life dimmed. She didn’t understand why she had to wear makeup. Her face wasn’t a problem before. It wasn’t until the teacher discovered that she was wearing makeup (thinking it was silly) and rubbed it off that her classmates laughed at her. Celeste was traumatized by the ridicule. One moment they were nice to her, and the next they were mean calling her a “clown.” Her teachers were upset with her parents, thinking they were responsible for tattooing Celeste’s face. Her parents suffered many complaints from social services until social services took her from them. Celeste had to live in an orphanage and attend school with her fellow orphans. Each time she had the opportunity to be adopted, she was passed over because of her face. She was eventually referred to foster care, which led her to grow accustomed to not having a permanent home. No matter where she went, she was always the clown. She fell into a period of depression where she hated going to school and would often hide from her foster parents so they couldn’t send her. It was halfway through middle school when her hormones were at their wildest that Celeste grew tired of crying, self-hating, and always hiding from the glares the cool kids gave her. She surprised everyone when she fought back, and though they continued to ridicule her, no one dared to lay a hand on her. It was when she fought her first bully that she realized she had an uncanny strength. She was stronger than most kids twice her size and weight. She also out-performed her classmates in Physical Education, which was unusual even to her gym teachers. Celeste stopped trusting people well into her high school years. She never went to homecoming or prom. She didn’t participate in sports or clubs. One day, she learned she had a secret crush from a young man who was often bullied. She pushed aside his friendship for she only desired to finish school and never have to go to school again; and she never did after she graduated. Celeste entered the work sector and was denied multiple jobs for her look. Her calling one day arrived when the circus came to her city. After seeing the performances conducted by freaks like her, she presented herself to the ring leader, Mr. Callahan. Mr. Callahan adored her face but wasn’t convinced that she had any other talents. Celeste demonstrated her energy, performing acrobatic stunts unlike anything Mr. Callahan had seen. She was hired and Celeste never returned to her foster home. The girl had run away to join the circus—her new family—and never looked back at the normal world ever again. Ironically, Celeste was a clown in the circus. She made people laugh and [i]ooo![/i] and [i]aaah![/i] with her tricks and acrobatic performances. The crowd loved her and not for trying to appear as someone she wasn’t. The crowd loved her for her. Celeste adored the positive attention and rooted herself in the fame. [color=15E9CE][b]Other[/b][/color] Celeste gushes over cute creatures: puppies, kitties, bunnies, etc. Animals never saw her as a freak. She likes a good ol' carnival hot dog with chili, or onions, or chili, onions, and cheese! Or even relish! An amusement park is her favorite place. There is so much to do! The bigger the roller coaster, the more excited she gets. She enjoys the games and playing in the fun houses. She basically becomes a girl again.