[center][h2]The Republic of Toubres[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=9&c1=3&c2=6&c3=6&o=0&c4=6&s=0&c5=7[/img][/center] Leonardo Serra took a long drag from his tobacco pipe, pulling the collar of his jacket tight against the inescapable chill of the air. He grimaced slightly, stamping his feet to try and get some feeling back into them. He thought nostalgically of the long summer evenings that he could be enjoying to the south, but duty had called him to the north, and the weather of Covintes was far less temperate than the capital. Ever since he had been first declared LĂ­der do Conselho, he had taken it upon himself to travel across the four corners of the Republic. In theory, the role of Lider do Conselho was not a lifetime one. Every year, the Conselho members voted for who would take the role, but in practice, none wanted the responsibility. When Leonardo stepped down, another would step up to take his place of course, but none wanted to challenge for the leadership. Still, it gave Leonardo an excuse to travel, and at the very least, there were some among the Conselho members that he would consider friends. The man he was in Covintes to visit however, was not one of those. Silvio Vila was very much a man moulded by his environment. Cold eyes looked out from a weathered and wrinkled face. Although not quite as headstrong and stubborn as Dario or Luiz, Silvio was impossible to read, and impossible to predict. If Leonardo ever thought he was actually making progress in getting through to the man, the next moment, that hope would be dashed. Silvio was like the rest of the people that called the cold north their home, practical to a fault. His lodgings were a reflection of that. The castle, if that was what it could be called, crouched on the cliff edge like a toad, dark and squat. All worn stone and narrow windows, Leonardo had been regaled with the extensive history of the place at least three times since he had arrived in the morning. Quite frankly, he couldn't care less. Everywhere he went, he was cold and wet. Hearing footsteps in the passage behind him, Leonardo turned, his eyebrow raising as he saw the beaming face of Raul Matos stepping out into the narrow courtyard. Some fur that Leonardo didn't recognise, but didn't doubt was exceedingly rare, trimmed the heavy cloak that Raul had wrapped around his significant shoulders, and his cheeks were still tinted red, despite the biting chill. Leonardo opened his mouth to speak, but Raul held up his hand, the numerous gold rings glittering in the moonlight. His voice was as booming as ever, his voice echoing off the close walls of the courtyard. [b][i]"The old devil told me that I'd find you out here. Something about enjoying the night air?"[/i][/b] Leonardo smiled slightly. Raul and Silvio were an unlikely pair, but they truly seemed to get on. What the two men had in common was beyond him, but it was only Raul that he had ever seen cause Silvio to break a smile. Regarding Raul for a moment, Leonardo cut to the chase. [b][i]"Why are you here, Raul? It's not like you to travel so far north."[/i][/b] Raul's face was a picture of mock hurt, a hand going to his chest. [b][i]"Can't a man simply want to visit his friend? Especially when the Lider do Conselho is also going to be staying at the time."[/i][/b] Leonardo's face was an impassive mask, and Raul dropped the act, the smile crossing his face again. [b][i]"You've seen through me, Leonardo. I needed to talk to you."[/i][/b] [b][i]"Well here I am."[/i][/b] [b][i]"It's about Suveren."[/i][/b] Leonardo sighed, taking another drag from his pipe as he shook his head slightly. He opened his mouth to object, but Raul spoke first. [b][i]"I know what you're thinking, Leonardo. But this is different. The people are tearing themselves apart! Just give me the order, and I can have men ready to restore order, ships too. You know I can."[/i][/b] The Lider do Conselho was silent for a moment. Tensions between the Republic and the Kingdom of Aontas were frosty at best, and he doubted they would be open to Toubres landing troops in their colony, even if it was to offer support. And yet, he didn't see a better option for the Kingdom, if the reports seeping out of the colony were to be believed at least. He sighed again, before finally replying. [b][i]"I'll offer, Raul. But no promises"[/i][/b]