[h2]Rainna Rivera[/h2] Rainna was caught slightly off guard at Adam's statement regarding her being homeless in the past. Was he some sort of mind reader? Even she had nearly forgotten about that time herself. It had been some years ago, and thinking back on it, it almost seemed like it had only been a dream. The possibility that the boy had meant for his display of power to double up as an insult crossed her mind, but it did not look as though it was the case. Still, it did make things rather awkward. She supposed that he did not speak to anyone often, though, she might be wrong. "A new one? I wonder what you usually get," she playfully replied, before leaning in closer to him and giving him a nod in response to his... observation? "Hmm, you're good. Pleased to make your acquaintance too." She then heard some shifting on the ground, and looked down to see some fallen leaves being swept up into the air by an invisible force. It was clear that Adam was the one behind the show from what he said next. So, he was a telekinetic as well. Could he be the whole psychic package? It would be pretty awesome if that were the case. She was about to ask if there was anything else he could do, when she saw the stones being drawn to his hand. She processed the grin that had formed on his face, wondering if it was a sign that he was preparing to spar with her. Rainna stayed where she was, part of her attention on the little rocks in his hand in case he might decide to chuck them at her at any point in time. It occurred to her that she had never tested the corroding ability of her mist on stones. She could probably etch some lovely patterns on such surfaces, if only she could find a way to better control the direction and flow rate of her fog. How about nozzles made out of something that she could not corrode? That could be an idea. "A little too late for those now. The party was last night," she pointed out with a laugh. "I assume you're an empath and a telekinetic. Anything else you've got?" [@Eric Horst]