The first week had Neil and Sayeeda being put through basic training. Mostly as a formality rather than to aid them in anyway. Junebug obviously passed with flying colors, and Neil's only real problems were from a lack of discipline. However, it was the most amusing televid on the November Sky once they recorded the final obstacle course that they both participated in, competing against one another. More than once did Neil trip up Sayeeda, and Sayeeda planting her boot on Neil's chest multiple times. Junebug beat Neil by 12 seconds, though they both made moderate time. No one doubted they would have made very good time if the were going separately. In the meantime, Taya was getting basic exercises, command signal classes, and even confidence training to help her in dire situations. Sven and Saxon were both analyzed and took various tests and scans for a 10,000 credit increase in their minimal payments, since a lawless Cyborg and a Xenos who was usually an enigma to the Terrans were hard to come by, and more than a few scientists were curious about them. Sven kept the scans on his various parts to a minimum, however. After the week was up, they were separated during the day for additional tests. Junebug was tested for her superior combat aptitude, monitored by York. She was given a field test of firing at moving targets via laser gun in a controlled environment. Civilian targets were issued part the way through to avoid. After that, she was given a test on command language, and what she would need to remember in order to respond properly on the ground. She passed that easily as well. York snorted. "Perhaps, Captain Cykali, you should be training our recruits." Meanwhile, Neil had been asked to take apart and put back together a Voxx communicator. Woods monitored the test, and she went from amused to impressed when Neil finished minutes faster than any other recorded time, and he still had some time for a few jokes in between. "How did you..." she began, then shook her head, clearing her throat and regaining some cool dignity. "Up next is close combat." "Sure. Who is my sparring partner?" "Me. This way, Pretty boy." He had expected that he'd fight Junebug, but he guessed they had done enough of that on the obstacle course. He didn't know if she was insulting him or complimenting him with that name. "Hey, I'm manly alright?" [@Penny]