Finally, Deerz bared his teeth angrily at Janius. If he was bluffing, it had obviously upset him to be found out. [i]"This is not over, Human."[/i] He growled, storming off just as quickly as he had arrived. While Zharanthixil had been unable to hear Deerz's threats, Kaleeth had watched Deerz nervously the entire time and concentrated on listening to the whispers. She moved closer to Janius, softly speaking as she watched Argrei even more closely than before. "Do you think he was lying? What do we do if he wasn't?" [hr] "It was Rhazii." Ahnasha answered painfully. "We went bandit hunting. I thought it would be good training for him; a step above simple Falmer. But...I terrified him." Ahnasha finally looked up from the ground to make eye contact with Fendros. "How many people have we killed, Fendros? How many lives have you taken, just by your hand alone? For a decade, we have fought, we have killed and will keep killing in every single battle. Do the screams bother you anymore? Do they ever make you hesitate, or make you feel guilty? Am I a monster because I feel nothing for them anymore?"