The holy warrior declined the offered flask when it had reached her, and Voss could not say he was surprised. From the tales and words of his kin who had encountered them peacefully, far rarer, they were rather stoic and refused to engage in many things considered impure or took the form of temptation. To not enjoy life was to life an empty one, live as one would fight, without hesitation. He would not tell her how to go about her business, however, and would keep his silence until the foreign woman, in attire similar to foreign nobility, spoke up about hunting creatures of the night and evil. His mind snapped back to the [i]Vur Julda[/i] who's actions had led him to eventually be among the company he was. His brow was furrowed as he considered the question, how best to translate what he had seen in the dunes to what she was likely referring to, and these things turned his thoughts away from a pretty smile and natural allure. The Templar answered first, rattling off some sort of direwolves, and bat hybrids as well. Neither such beasts were native to the desert, though he could better put to their words what unnatural beasts one might have to face living a noamds life in the sands. [color=598527]"Nothing likely native to this land, but the shifting sands have hazards of their own. [i]Bala Ban Vul[/i], drinkers of those unwary, and unable to fend off, their dangers are a constant."[/color] The holy woman's question in regards to whether this foreign woman, well more foreign woman, had experience in hunting beasts herself was a curious one. Something lurked, not latent either, in this fine garbed woman, that little he could tell. Something was off, his instincts wary and fearful of danger, and not just due to being in foreign circumstances. No, something was off here, something that he could not readily place, and he would have to remain on edge until it was revealed. [hr] [@GodOfWar][@Rivaan][@Paradoxial][@Nameless][@Eisenhorn]