[color=ed1c24][h3][b]Alexei d' Vexille[/b][/h3][/color] Alexei had just finished having a shower when the intercom blared, summoning all NC pilots to Ops. He dried his hair with the towel thoroughly, ruffling his tousled locks. He then looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, towel slung over his shoulders. He pulled a cheesy grin, and then slipped on his jockstrap. He then grabbed his pilot suit, the same one his father wore, and d'Vexilles before him. Family heirloom, if anything, just like Vectis. The thought of both wearing and piloting tradition centuries older than he was sometimes crossed Alexei's mind when he slipped into the yellow trimmed black and red suit. He zipped up and then picked up his helmet, catching himself in the mirror again. No cheesy grin this time. The memory of his father was like a cloud that hung over Alexei when he put on the suit. He sighed, but knew even if the other pilots weren't suited up yet, it didn't do for a son of d'Vexille to be unprepared. He slipped a pellet of gum in his mouth and then walked out, leaving his room and headed down the corridors to get to Ops. When he arrived, he was one of the last pilots filing inside. He didn't greet anyone unless spoken too, and just hung on the outskirts of the briefing, leaning against the wall and listening to General Commander Narra. As he paid attention, he noted his comrades around the room and assessed their reactions-- Nothing seriously analytical, just to get an idea of their personalities. When Narra described the primary asset of Red Star; Osamu Akiyama, Alexei's brow furrowed. He didn't at all like the thought of control over Vectis being wrested from him. That alone just made the strategy-- if it can be called that, of pre-emptively assaulting the enemy and closing the distance swiftly seem less insane. At least then, if Vectis is taken over, he would be at too far a distance to injure comrades. Sure, Vectis had combat sniping capability, but that was for on the move medium distances. And there surely was an NC that actually specialised in long range engagement. He just hoped they won't kill him. [color=ed1c24][i]Then again; would dying really be worse than being a Red Star captive?[/i][/color] Alexei then pursed his lips when Narra described the Chainbringer Team. More so when he ordered everyone to try and capture them. Well, he only said 'if they can be captured'. Anyone will understand if we kill them so we don't get killed. [color=ed1c24][i]That's just war, baby.[/i][/color] Alexei thought, blowing a bubble and popping it back into his mouth. He folded his arms and then thought it over. [color=ed1c24][i]But I guess, if we have to use disabling force on each other in the event of a takeover, it would be some practice... What a fucked up situation.[/i][/color] Then amidst all that, Alexei couldn't believe what he was hearing. [color=ed1c24][i]Time to relax and hang out?[/i][/color] He shrugged internally, whilst watching everyone's reactions and hearing what they said. Most of them opted for the coffeehouse, one of them who introduced himself as Caz-- 'the resident drunk' more like, opted for the bar. Thankfully, nobody opted for the bathhouse. It didn't really make sense anyways. Imagine if Red Star took down the shields early and caught them with their pants down-- Literally. Alexei smirked at the thought, however silly and awkward that outcome would be. After all, humour was hard enough to come by without making it yourself. Alexei didn't really care to vocalise his opinion, since everyone else had made up their minds. The coffeehouse was the popular choice, and he'd just be stacking on top of that. Pointless. However, as hard as it was to believe they had this ample amount of time to prepare by socialising, Alexei was sort of grateful. He actively focused on getting something decent to eat and drink while finding someone to watch his back while he possibly charges headfirst into danger. This distraction what he needed to avoid thinking about what a waste of time the situation was-- That's not what he thought. [color=ed1c24][i]It's what my father would have thought.[/i][/color] He said to himself with a tang of annoyance.