[center][img]http://los40es00.epimg.net/los40/imagenes/2016/11/08/actualidad/1478602380_007065_1478602936_noticia_normal.jpg[/img] [h3]Vera Palash[/h3] Age Unknown|UnSeelie Fae|[url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxiciGiFC4zF7wbBBRucou9e-5kYztL6iSbnGDmGiDjW_UiUxuEA]Wings[/url]|UnSeelie Queen "I'm not heartless, I have a heart....oh. Well excuse the fuck out of my not wanting my people insulted. Fucking Da'lamra" Additionally: -Vera has been the Queen of the UnSeelie for hundreds of years. Not because no one has tried to take her place, but because no one has beating her yet. That said, not to many have tried. Compared to the last queen, she is a Mothersent. -Being a royal she has some special advantages. She has met Mother Nature and often gets to speak with her. She also mentally knows where each of her people are. As well as were they are reborn. Which can get to be a headache at times. -While having more contact with the other races then some of her people. Vera still takes words quite literal. [/center]