[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - A Game To Play [/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] Jonesy say there on the ground, waiting for Bart to do whatever it was he was going to do. Libby looking on and running her fingers through Jonesy's hair as they waited. Once the man was healed he sat up slowly and eventually stood up. Testing the limb before nodding. "Right good, thanks," he said towards Bart before reaching out and taking the small wooden objects. "Fucking hell," he said under his breath with a bit of disgust. "Samson!" he called out. Ben stood there and smirked a bit before shrugging. "Maybe we can," he said before taking a long pull from the cigarette he was smoking. "But didn't want to have to kill anything to fix Jonesy this time," he added before looking back over to Alexandra. "Oh her? Wouldn't waste her time." "Hawkins!" Samson said as he stood there. "What? I'm tired of these games. Why should I hide shit?" Ben asked. "Cause you know Management," Samson said before turning his attention towards Jonesy who was still calling for him. Shaking his head he walked off, leaning heavy on his cane as he did. "Bunch of bullshit in my mind," Ben muttered under his breath as Samson made his way over to Jonesy and Bart. "What is it?" he asked and Jonesy shoved the wood to him. Looking at it he rolled it over in his short stubby fingers before looking up at Jonesy who pointed towards Bart. "Where'd you find these kid?" he asked as Jonesy reached out and took them back. Ben huffed a bit. "Fucking family reunions," he muttered under his breath before taking another puff from his smoke. The carnies were working to clear out the mess from collapsing of the Ferris wheel as the bearded woman shut the door to Managements trailer as she came back out and started walking towards Ben. Ben caught her eye and turned around. "So, where's the grave?" he asked as he started walking away from the carnivale set up with some rather long strides.