[center][h3][i]Forgive me, for I have sinned.[/i][/h3] [img]https://polyglottutor.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/scary-old-portraits5.gif[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sywCNplcEs]What Haunts Me[/url][/center] [center][i]I never meant for things to turn out this way. I want everyone who reads this, to know that despite my mistakes and horrible misjudgment that my intentions were always noble, I was just trying to do some good in the world. Me and my wife were loving, decent god fearing people. We knew the world around us was a dark and scary place so we did everything we could to lead as best an example as we could. We prayed every day, we paid our taxes, we gave to charity and we would always stand up to immoral acts. But despite all this we were never blessed with children. My wife grew up a very sickly girl and had an operation in her teens that saved her life but made it so she would never conceive children. We kept a positive attitude, but this always made our lives feel hollow and empty, we wanted children, we wanted someone to protect. We were never poor, but we were not wealthy enough to adopt in our county, and our local orphanage was shut down shortly after we got married for reasons I'd rather not get into right now. But there was another way, another method to have children to look after that was somewhat more....ungodly. The ex priest of our local parish was thrown out of the church because of his practice of the dark arts, but my wife and I stayed in contact with him. As we found it hard to turn our back on the man who married us. He always knew of our desire to be parents and he came to us with an offer. He could place children in our care....that had already died. His plan was twisted but tempting, he said that he could use his dark arts to resurrect children's spirits that had their lives cut unfortunately short and bring them back to life for a second chance at happiness, with me and my wife as their loving guardians. We knew this was incredibly dangerous and strange but our desire to be parents overwhelmed us, and we accepted his offer. Sadly I cant go into the details of what happened after that, its simply too painful. But I will say that we made a mistake, those children should have never been brought back to life. They belonged in the afterlife and we unleashed a great evil on the mortal world. My 5 daughters, who I gave my life to, have left my care and now are loose in the world, not quite mortal and not fully spirits they occupy a strange place in limbo that only the resurrected may inhabit. They are all extremely dangerous and they need to be sealed away, otherwise they will destroy the mortal plane from the ether, and my soul will never be able to rest. [b]My name is Calvin Corvin, My 5 daughters need to be stopped. I have been dead for nearly 10 years and I need your help.[/b] [/i][/center] [color=ed145b][h2][center]The 5 Corvin Girls[/center][/h2][/color] [h2][center][i]'The Creative One'[/i][/center][/h2] [hider=Marina] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEbFLSfHqQ8&list=PLBgyhMcu6wQhcFARh5WqNQ5zrFmJ21bnP]Her Adventure[/url][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/c2/e9/e5c2e92e6547a281843923832a721ce5.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name: Marina Corvin[/b] [b]Age: 19 Method and Year of Death: Starved to death in 1988[/b] Marina was the second oldest child of the 5 Corvin girls, and was the most imaginative. Although racism was becoming far less of a in the late 80s than it was during Calvin's time, being a Half Japanese Half Jewish Adoptee isnt an easy start for anyone in suburban Rhode Island. Marina knew she was an outcast and instead found beauty and solace in her books. Where she could truly escape the lonliness she endured in real life. Although this began as obsessive reading, she then began to act out her fantasies and would dress up like a gothic maiden and run through the forest, singing beatuifully about her fictional world, completely immeresed in her own world. Unfortunately once she was spotted by some teenagers from her class while they were out drinking and getting high, and they started to make fun of her, first with words but then with rocks and thrown garbage. Her perfect world of escapism was shattered, so she ran as fast as she could, deeper into the forest than she had ever been. Until she tripped on a large tree root in the middle of the forest and it sent her hurtling into a natural ditch. The space looked like some sort of fantasy cave complete with pillar like rocks and a very beautiful canopy. Sadly the fall broke her leg, and the ditch was very deep. She wasn't able to make it out of there and over the span of 8 agonising days she starved to death, quietly singing the song of her fantasy world as she passed away, Ressurected she now follows runaway teenagers, to make sure wherever they go, they are never found again. [/center] [/hider] [h2][center][i]'The Active One'[/i][/center][/h2] [hider=Shawna] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGB3OdzRCfo]Always Holidays[/url][/center] [center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DN2zqZAp_fM/TfmPL4oOFfI/AAAAAAAAK8w/VcWiFijVkpg/s1600/ARTHUR_SARON_SARNOFF.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name: Shawna Corvin[/b] [b]Age: 21 Method and Year of Death: Drowning in 1967[/b] Shawna was the oldest child of the 5 Corvin girls, and was the most energetic. Calvin noted she was a very motivated and active girl, which he often thought was a good thing, because of her beauty and charisma she would often convince others to take up physical hobbies and to stay in shape. But this would be to a fault. Shawna was a sailor's daughter from sunny california who spent almost all of her time at the beach or the mall. On holiday she would always try out a new physical challenge such as skiing or hiking and was instantly adept at anything she tried. Because of her beauty many boys would attempt to impress her with feats of physical prowess but this only served her competetive spirit. One day at the beach she convinced a group of boys to race her out to the middle of the ocean and back, her amazing swimming skills proved impressive but two of the boys were on the local swimming team and were able to win the close race. She couldnt believe it, and challneged them both to a rematch, but this time while flirting with them drugged both of their drinks so they would swim slower on the next race. The drugs were too powerful though and not only did the boys slow down they lost their ability to swim and began sinking in the water, Shawna began to laugh as she over took them but as they both realised they were drugged and were going to drown from her dirty trick they both grabbed her as they began to submerge with all their remaining strength. While she was strong, the combined wieght of them drug her down into the watery depths, and all 3 of them drowned that day. After her ressurection Shawna escaped Calvin's care to become a serial killer who would engineer 'accidents' in sports and extreme hobbies, to make sure no one would ever 'win' in ways that she couldn't. [/center] [/hider] [h2][center][i]'The Romantic One'[/i][/center][/h2] [hider=Dolly] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvgLFcn8480]Where Is Love?[/url][/center] [center][img]http://img03.deviantart.net/f796/i/2006/106/3/b/red_rose_by_lamp_ag.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name: Dolores 'Dolly' Corvin[/b] [b]Age: 16 Method and Year of Death: Falling to Death in 1912[/b] Dolly was the 2nd youngest child of the 5 Corvin girls, and in her own warped way, the most loving. Calvin raised her as best as he could and would stress the importance of empathy and care. But his efforts ultimately did not have the desired effect, her problem was loving too much. But in a selfish way. Dolores was originally a young middle class girl from nantucket who had a very dangerous crush on her teacher. After failing to get his attention multiple times with love letters, she finally got his attention by trapping all the teachers in the school after the children had left and setting the building on fire, with him in it. As he passed out from the fumes, Dolly carried him up the stairs to the top floor of the school and declared her love for him by screaming it out to the horrified townspeople trying to contain the now engulfing fire. At this moment the young teacher woke up in Dolly's arms and shoved her in shock and fear, which unintentionally lead her to tumble out of the large window and fall to her death. Once she was brought back into Calvin's care, she would obtain terrifying powers as an expert stalker. Killing those who would ignore or reject statements of love from admirers. [/center] [/hider] [h2][center][i]'The Flattered One'[/i][/center][/h2] [hider=Riley] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSvOTw8UH6s]Genuine Angst[/url][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/55/93/28/559328a0a7d8ee4ca86d4a57a7e17f9b.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name: Riley Corvin[/b] [b]Age: 18 Method and Year of Death: Car Crash in 2007 [/b] Middle child Riley was always very confident, but it wasn't the healthy confidence, it was the obsessive, narcisstic fragile confidence that usually came with insecurites. While she was a fairly attractive girl she wasn't as attractive as her sisters, and more importantly wasn't the most attractive girl at her school. But Riley was pragmatic, she did her best to adopt a look that best suited her, she would work on her personality and self image almost obsessively, she would be the ultimate teenager, the alpha female of the school. But for Riley, Narcissim was a blackhole she was never going to be satisfied by the approval she was getting, she needed more. She needed to be the center of even more attention than she ever had. So she decided to throw a party, she wanted to be the ultimate number one host. The problem was, for her to get the best crowd she would have to invite the most popular and pretty girls in the school, which made her dreadfully self concious, as she didnt want to be upstaged. But she went ahead with it anyway, and the party was looking to be a success, while people were showing up she was still at her house making herself look as amazing as possible. She was running late because of how long she spent. Once in her car and on the road, she started speeding, panicing that she was going to look unorganised, but as she panicked she started to sweat, which had he constantly checking herself in her hand mirror as she drove, it wasnt long before her neglegence to watch the road and her speeding caused her to crash into a truck, she was killed instanly, only 3 mins away from the party venue. As a spirit, she now stalks glamorous women at parties and events, killing those she finds prettier than she is. [/center] [/hider] [h2][center][i]'The Perfect One'[/i][/center][/h2] [hider=Tabby] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJC1Pn78ZA]Gentle Fates[/url][/center] [center][img]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/L~YAAOSwfcVUGgHu/s-l300.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Name: Tabitha Corvin[/b] [b]Age: 12 Method and Year of Death: Died In Her Sleep in 1957 [/b] Very little is known about Tabitha, the youngest of the Corvin Daughters, other than she was Calvin's favourite. We ask you gather as much information as possible before attempting to confront her. [/center] [/hider]